Ch. 33 Ash's Letter (a mini chapter)

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AN: First part of this chapter is just the letter that Ash sent and what he wrote....

Dear Anabel,

I should probably start by apologizing right? 2 years and not even a phone call or a letter..... I'm sorry Anabel, really I am though that's not the only reason why I'm writing you. I..... I wanted to know how you've been doing these past 2 years, and Espeon too? How have things been going at the battle frontier? How is Scott and the rest of them, not causing you trouble I hope. Though most importantly, have you been happy? Ya know..... if and when we do see each other again I'd like to try and read your heart again, I think now that I'm a bit older and a bit wiser I might get it. Oh and I should probably say that Pikachu has missed ya! And I have as well....... Anyways right now I'm in a Hoenn rooting for some friends of mine who are competing in the grand festival! After that I've gotta fly back to Unova and participate in the Vertress Conference! Hopefully I'll win right? Fingers crossed. Anyways I just wanted to write you because....... You've been in my thoughts recently and I'd love to see you and the other frontier brains again! Maybe after Unova I might revisit the battle frontier.....

Your's Truly,

Ash Ketchum

3rd pov: Before sealing it in an envelope Ash not knowing why but trusting his heart, drew a little heart at the bottom of the paper and also included a photo of him and Pikachu smiling. After making sure it was properly sealed Ash quietly walked to the poke-center and used their phone to call an old friend.....

Scott: "Hello?"

Ash: "Hi Scott, I was-

Scott: "Ash! It's so good to see you! It's had to have been nearly a year right? Finally accepting my proposal?"

Ash: "Err not yet but umm..... well.....

Scott: "Spit it out Ash"

Ash: "Well it's kinda embarrassing"

Scott: (sigh) "Yes I'll deliver your message to Anabel"

Ash: "How did you know?!"

Scott: "Ash you're a kid, I'm not dumb I can tell when-

3rd pov: Ash had a mild blush, knowing what Scott was implying he quickly cut him off

Ash: "It's not like that!" or..... no Anabel is just a friend....... a really amazing, confident, pretty friend...... Uhh why does my head do this to me!

Scott: "And the grass ain't green, listen we can go back and forth like this all day but I've got work to do so are you ready for the transfer?"

Ash: "Ready when you are"

3rd pov: Using the latest technology Ash was able to transfer the letter to Scott in virtually no time at all!

Ash: "Oh and Scott"

Scott: "Yeah Ash?"

Ash: "No peeking! Oh and if you don't mind me asking, where are you?"

Scott: "I'm hurt that you'd think so low of me. But you're probably right I would do something like that....... and if you must know I'm in Saffron city.  But I should remind you that the battle frontier has kept an eye on you, we know how you did in Sinnoh and that you're preparing for Unova. Just remember that my offer is still valid"

Ash: "I'll think about it Scott, seriously I will but first I've got a conference to win!"

Scott: "There's that fiery spirit I remember, but don't forget that we'll be watching your matches in the Vertress Conference very closely"

Ash: "Well I don't plan on losing Scott, I'll be seeing you"

3rd pov: After ending his phone call with Scott and thanking nurse joy for use of the phone Ash made his way back to the Maple residence, unaware that a certain brunette was watching him.......

Ash: I hope that letter wasn't too short........ but why is my heart pounding? And my stomach feels like it's doing somersaults.....  Maybe when I see her again I'll ask about these feelings..... but ehh probably just imagining it

3rd pov: Right before Ash entered the Maple household, he sent someone he could rely on to make sure that Scott delivered the letter......

562 words

As I said, a short mini chapter which I made because well...... You'll see eventually. Oh and who or what did Ash send to watch Scott? Till next time,


To Liozxas, Don't worry about the abilityshipping. I gotchu covered, just trust me.............

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