Ch. 22 The Miner King

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Authors note: Clay won't speak..... Grammatically correct sometimes but..... C'mon just give this one to me the guys literally the spitting image of an old southerner and having been from the south myself, I can confirm that if you can speak words with more than 3 syllables they'll praise you as a genius, trust me I wish I was kidding........ God bless America!

The next day

3rd pov: After tracking down the gym leader, Clay, Ash challenged him.......

Clay: "So kid, how many gym badges you got?"

Ash: "4 sir"

Clay: "In that case I'll be using 3 Pokemon. Hey little girl"

Dawn: Who's he calling little girl..... "yes?"

Clay: "Act as the referee, the usual one is sick"

3rd pov: Dawn complied and acted as the referee. Ash, a bit annoyed at the old gym leader for his attitude, got ready for battle....

Ash: Hmm.... I'm counting on you..... "Whirlipede, I choose you!"

Whirlipede: "Whirli!"

Clay: "What's some puny bug gonna do to my rock types boah? Go Boldore!"

Boldore: "Boldore!"

Ash: Gotta play smart..... "Start off with toxic spikes"

Whirlipede: "Whirli!"

Clay: "Ye Damm coward! If you won't attack den I will! Use Rock tomb!"

Boldore: "Boldore!"

3rd pov: As Pikachu and whirlipede had practiced the bug evaded the rocks by whirling around like a tire...

Clay: "Dammit! Alright Boldore use earthquake, let's see you dodge that"

Boldore: "Boldore"

Ash: I could have whirlipede use string shot at the ceiling..... But then we'd be screwed if that Boldore used rock throw....... "Whirlipede go for toxic and if then use string shot at the ceiling!"

Whirlipede: "Whirli!"

3rd pov: Whirlipede, as fast as it was, could only get out a toxic before getting hit by earthquake, since it was a ground type move it wasn't supper effective but it still damaged whirlipede pretty bad......

Clay: He posioned Boldore..... "Alright let's finish that puny bug use rock throw!"

Ash: Whirlipede is too hurt to evade...... "Throw the rocks back with string shot!"

Clay: Using my own moves against me......... damn coward......"Boldore use bide!"

3rd pov: With Boldore's increased defense it took the rock throw easily but the posion was starting to get too it, if ash didn't finish this now Boldore would unleash it's energy......

Ash: If I go for double edge whirlipede might faint...... But if I don't then whirlipede will get hit by bide....... "Use Double Edge!"

Whirlipede: "Whirli!"

3rd pov: Boldore, being heavily injured and taking the double edge was thought to have fainted, and it did....... but not before releasing it's stored energy onto it's opponent, whirlipede taking recoil damage and Boldore's bide was on barely still up.......

Dawn: Ash did it! Only 2 more....... "Boldore is unable to battle, please choose your next Pokemon"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Piplup: "Pip!'

Clay: Damn kid..... I'll show him what my rock types are made of! "Go krokorok!"

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