Ch. 43 Goodbye Unova!

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AN: I forgot to upload this, sorry.

3rd pov: Finally it was his last night in Unova where, in front of a large crowd, he'd announce which league he would challenge! But that was for later, for now, both May and Dawn were celebrating Ash's victory by buying all of Ash's favorite food and then burning it in front of him! Well no they didn't do that but I wish they did. Uhh instead the 3 friends all sat down with their pokemon and had a feast, a party of sorts, since everyone knew that as much as they wanted to stay together tonight would probably be their last with each other for a long time..........

Ash (while munching on a jelly donut): "So May, were do (munch) you think your (munch) going after tonight?"

May (while also munching on food, unlike Ash though she was eating a lava cookie...): "Well I've been reading (munch) and I want to see what's going on in (munch) Kalos. They don't have (munch) contests but they do have something very similar and I (munch) want to try it out ya know?"

Ash: "Yeah (munch) Kalos does sound (munch) like-

3rdvpov: Dawn, having had it with her friends, finally snapped and told them to not to talk with their mouths full only recieving a quick apology from Ash and a dismissive wave from May...

Ash; "Well Dawn what about you? Were are you going after this is all over?"

Dawn: "Well I was planning on traveling with you Ash but..... I've decided that I'm heading towards Alola!"

3rd pov: May stifled a laugh as she quickly replied,

May: "You were planning on traveling with Ash?" (then she be a simp! or a thot..... maybe both...)

Dawn: "Well.... you can't say that you've never thought of staying with him!"

Ash: "Guys?"

May: "That's besides the point Dawn I-

Ash: "Guys! Chill out aren't we supposed to be celebrating? Ya know since this is the last time we'll be together for.... probably a long time ya know"

May; "Yeah...."

Dawn: "Hey there's no need to worry right? I'm sure we'll bump into each other somehow and maybe Brock will join us again!"

Ash: "Yeah man have I' missed his cooking..."

3rd pov: Dawn, whom ever since rejoining Ash had been the one cooking got heavily offended. Luckily for Ash he quickly backtracked and saved himself from a quick death but Dawn did throw a question at him that he wasn't ready for....

Dawn: "So what happens if...... if you don't find Pikachu and-

Ash: "Then I cross that bridge when it comes Dawn. Quite frankly I don't know what I would do, probably-

3rd pov: Seeing where her friend was going with his train of thought May quickly took Ash's mind off of Dawn's question.

May: "So who are you bringing with you while you traverse through Kanto?"

Ash: "Oh yeah I already talked it over with Professor Oak and we both agreed it'd be best if I left my unovan pokemon in his care, minus scizor because apparently from what he saw of my battles on t.v scizor has a.... mega stone? Anyways whatever that is professor Oak said that he was going send scizor, along with the stone, over to the professor in Kalos since apparently he's an expert in mega evolution so..... While my Pokemon train on the ranch me and Gible are going to go track down Gary, since from what the professor said it'd be best if he checked out the-

Dawn: "The what?"

Ash: "Uhh.... just something personal I need his help with, nothing important" Good going Ketchum! You almost let it slip....... as if they need to be dragged into my mess....

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