Ch. 41 A Turn of Fate

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AN: Note out of these chapters I'm rewriting only ch. 44 did I really put a huge amount of effort into. Like this one, is fine but..... Remember it's extra content! Don't kill me ehhh..... you'll see


3rd pov: Following Ash's victory over Hilda, the league gave a 3 day grace period for the finalists to fully prepare their teams and whatnot. With this time, Ash was thinking about his future, even with Pikachu's advice he was restless and second guessing himself, should he stay in the region? The young ravenette found himself wanting to call back home, which he did obviously. His mother was super supportive and delighted that he had gotten so far and wished him luck for the finale's not realizing that her son wanted to ask her about something else...... after ending his phonecall with Delia Ash thought about who would listen to his problems........ After tracking the young trainer down Ash asked Trip if they could talk to which he nervously agreed to.........

Trip: "So...... what did you want to talk about Ash?"

Ash: "Yeah well uhh after the tournament is over..... wether I win or lose I've been offered an opportunity to become a frontier brain"

3rd pov: Instantly Trip's eyes sparkled as he excitedly shouted,

Trip: "A frontier brain!?!!"

Ash: "Yes and please keep it down, I don't want the whole city knowing. How do you know about them anyway's?"

Trip: "Well even if there aren't any facilities in Unova it's still well known, there's even been whispers of a facility in the works in our very own region! It sure is exciting but why are you telling me about this anyways?"

Ash: "Yeah well if I accept it would mean my traveling days would be over and I'd have to put my own dreams on hold....."

Trip: "Well..... Do what makes you happy Ash, even if you would be rejecting something amazing if traveling is seriously what makes you you then you can't give it up ya know?"

3rd pov: Nodding his head in acknowledgment and thanks to his friend Ash asked one last question....

Ash: "Trip?"

Trip: "Yeah?"

3rd pov: Right when he was going to ask Trip about his fears Ash began doubting himself. Again.

Ash: Is this a good idea? I mean....... if he is afraid of me then that's his business right? maybe I should hang out with him and try cooling relations between us...... "Trip...... do you...... MaybeWantToHangOut?"

Trip: "Wait what? You said things to fast"

Ash: "Trip, do you want to go do something? Together, I mean"

Trip Together? Like a couple? "Ash I'm not gay"

Ash: "No! I meant as friends!"

Pikachu: "Pika pi"

Ash: "What do you mean 'NoHomo'? Your so weird sometimes Pika.... But you never responded, do you wanna hangout?"

Trip: No...... "Sure Ash! Actually I was supposed to meet up with Stephen and Hilda after this, maybe they could join us"

Ash: "Heck yeah! Alright so what you thinking, maybe some dinner or we could go see one of those musical things that Hilda was talking about or..."

Trip: "Ehh we'll figure it out on the way but I have to ask, are either of those 2 girls with your girlfriend?"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Ash: "No Trip, I don't date girls."

Trip; "So you do like guys"

Ash: "No I meant that I haven't dated any girls!"

Trip: "If you say so...."

Pikachu: "Pika..."

3rd pov: The duo, having no reason to stay in the outskirts of Vertress City, made their way towards Trip's groups hotel........... About halfway they were stopped by a nasty looking Persian and Rhydon, belonging to a certain crime boss.......

Giovanni: "Good to see you again so soon, and this time it seems you've brought a friend" Interupting our little game.....

Trip: "You know this creep Ash?"

Ash: "Send out your strongest pokemon, this is Giovanni, head of team rocket."

Trip: Those were the guy's harassing me back in Opelucid City.... "Are we fighting or running Ash?"

Ash: "Fighting."

Trip: If you say so....

3rd pov: After turning his cap backwards Ash called Pikachu to fight while Trip sent out his Surperior......

Ash: Should we go first? "Pikachu, use thunderbolt on that Persian!"

Pikachu: "Pika pi!"

Trip: "Serpeiror, use leaf blade on that Rhydon!"

Serpeiror: "Perior"

3rd pov: Giovanni simply let his Pokemon get hit, causing both Trip and Ash to tense up. As Pikachu and Serpeiror kept attacking their respective targets Ash began to realize something.......

Ash: Is he....... testing us? Or........ is he distracting us with this battle? What about everyone else?

3rd pov: Ash secretly texted Lance about what was going on before refocusing on the battle....

Giovanni: "Is this really all you have to offer? Rhydon, earthquake. Persian, use crush claw"

Rhydon: "Don!"

Persian: "Sian!'

Trip: "Serpeiror, throw Pikachu into the air and use leaf Tornado on yourself!"

Serpeiror: "See!"

Ash: What? This...... and people thought thunder armor was bs......

3rd pov: Shockingly, Trips plan actually worked resulting in Pikachu being thrown into the air while Serpeiror slightly levitated due to leaf Tornado, both negating any damage earthquake could have done but...... Serpeiror took a crush claw right in the mouth, knocking out the starter pokemon instantly.....

Ash: Dammit..... "Pikachu use Iron Tail on Persian, Trip send something out now!"

Trip: "Oh yeah! Go Krookodile!"

Krookodile: "Krook!"

Trip: "Now, use-"

3rd pov: Before Trip could finish his command Krookodile had already set it's sights on Pikachu, taking the rodent by surprise and, after some help from Persian, knocked it out. Needless to say, Krookodile fucked up....

Giovanni: "Seriously? Persian, pick up that rodent and bring it to me"

Persian: "Per"

3rd pov: Both Ash and Trip were powerless to stop Giovanni as he and his pokemon left with Pikachu, but through the intervention of the author, Giovanni's character got deleted from the hard drive and Pikachu was brought back to Ash! Ignoring everything that had just happened, Ash and Trip made their way back to Trip's group, totally unaware of the massive plothole that was just created by implying that the author itself is a character and rules as God of the book.......

AN: Oh no....... okay Ash and Trip wouldn't have been able to stall for Lance so I had to use my own power to make things right again..... Don't worry, from here I won't have to intervene (hopefully). Till next time,


This chapter needs some flex tape ngl

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