Ch. 41 Loss

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AN: Everyone, this is where the story goes off the cliff side so..... Enjoy!


3rd pov: After Ash's victory over Hilda it was announced that the finale's would start in 3 day's meaning our hero's had some time to rest and plan for the future....... Eventually both May and Dawn separately pulled Ash aside and asked if they could speak with him in private after the Conference ended to which Ash agreed....... Confused at what his friends wanted to talk about and why they couldn't tell him now about Ash found himself wanting to call back home, which he did obviously. His mother was super supportive and delighted that he had gotten so far and wished him luck for the finale's not realizing that her son wanted to ask her about something else...... Saying goodbye to his mom Ash thought about who would listen to his problems........ After tracking the young trainer down Ash asked Trip if they could talk to which he nervously agreed too.........

Trip: "So...... what did you want to talk about Ash?"

Ash: "Yeah well uhh after the tournament is over..... wether I win or lose I've been offered an opportunity to become a frontier brain"

3rd pov: Instantly Trip's eyes sparkled as he excitedly shouted,

Trip: "A frontier brain!?!!"

Ash: "Yes and please keep it down, I don't want the whole city knowing. How do you know about them anyway's?"

Trip: "Well even if there aren't any facilities in Unova it's still well known, there's even been whispers of a facility in the works in our very own region! It sure is exciting but why are you telling me about this anyways?"

Ash: "Yeah well if I accept it would mean my traveling days would be over and I'd have to put my own dreams on hold....."

Trip: "Do what makes you happy Ash, even if you would be rejecting something amazing if traveling is seriously what makes you you then you can't give it up ya know?"

3rd pov: Nodding his head in acknowledgment and thanks to his friend Ash asked one last question....

Ash: "Trip?"

Trip: "Yeah?"

3rd pov: Ash took a deep breath before asking,

Ash: "Are you.... afraid of me?"

Trip: "No....."

Ash: "Trip"

Trip: "It doesn't matter! And... and who told you anyways? From what Stephen said you'd bought that whole spheal about me having home problems..... unless.... did Hilda tell you?"

Ash: "Neither of them told me Trip. I'm not as dense as I look mate, you should know that already"

Trip: "Damn"

Ash; "Why are you scared anyways?"

Trip: "I'm not...... not scared of you per say but...... scared of what you do to.... others. I mean I...... the Ash that I met on the beginning of my journey seems so different from the Ash I saw in Opelucid City and.... and I feel like if I stay as your friend then I'll become like you so...... so that's why I can not be your friend any longer"

Ash: "But-

Trip: "No. Listen, from what Stephen and Hilda say you're different but... but quite frankly I doubt it and...... and I will not, cannot be like you and so...... I......  I will defeat you tomorrow, you can count on that! Goodbye Ash Ketchum"

Ash: "I'm sorry Trip, I didn't mean to-

3rd pov: Trip didn't even acknowledge his apology as he left our hero alone.... after Trip had left Ash, saddened by his friends words, burrowed his face in his hands and silently cursed at himself for being the way he had been throughout his journey....... why had he become so....... bitter? Was it this region that made him like this? Or was it something else? More confused then ever Ash found himself walking back to the poke-center only to see something hovering towards him, a chopper of sorts........ Painted with a blood red R....... as a familiar man in a trench coat stepped out immediately Ash knew who it was.......

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