Ch. 42 Breaking the News / A Battle of Truth and Ideal's

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3rd pov: It had already been a few hours since his call with the professor and after some carful consideration Ash decided it's be best if he got May and Dawn's opinion on the matter..... Fetching them from their room Ash led them towards where his pokemon had been staying, in his mind he thought it best if his pokemon had a say too....

Dawn: "Ash are you alright? Do you need to go back to the hospital? I could let the lea-

Ash: "No, nothing like that Dawn. Actually I..... I wanted your opinion on a very big decision of mine, and I also wanted my Pokemon's opinion so...."

May: "So that's why you brought us here right? And hey where's Pikachu?"

3rd pov: As if on cue Gible jumped from one of the trees and latched onto Ash's head, May was outright horrified while Dawn was stifling a laugh.

May: "Oh my Arceus, Blaziken, come on-

3rd pov: Dawn, realizing what May was about to do stopped her and quickly explained that Gible was on of Ash's Pokemon and that biting his head was normal though even Dawn didn't know what Bible was doing here....... After helping Ash detach Gible from his head the raven trianer explained what had happened just a few hours earlier.......

Dawn: "No way...."

May: "What are waiting for? Let's go get Pikachu back!"

3rd pov: Hearing this Dawn looked at May in surprise, quickly rebuting her by pointing out how the conference was not over. This in turn got May upset who promptly shouted that Pikachu was more important than the conference to which Dawn countered with the fact that they didn't even know where Pikachu was and even if they did they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Ash simply looked at his 2 traveling companions with a hint of amusement and satisfaction, finally they understood what he had been trying to figure out for himself with only a few hours...... After both girls had calmed down Ash explained that he could either carry on with the finale's or he could get the first plane to Kanto and help Lance track down Giovanni and his men. May was heavily pushing for him to go back home Immediately while both Dawn and Ash's pokemon implored Ash to finish the conference. Seeing that this was going nowhere Ash secretly walked away from the 2 arguing girls and made a phone call thinking that if anyone could help him it would be his mother......

Ash: "Mo-

Delia: "Ash thank Arceus your alright! Professor Oak told me about what happened and-

Ash: "Mom!"

3rd pov: Noticing the anger in her son's voice Delia quickly stopped her rant and asked what was wrong.....

Half an hour later

Ash: "So you really think I should?"

Delia: "Hunny, what would Pikachu want?"

Ash: "He'd..... he'd want me to continue..... But-"

Delia: "Nope. Your finishing the conference period. I love you hunny and pikachu does too, he'd want you to fight on"

Ash: "Yeah...... I know. Love you Mom"

Delia: "I love you too Ash, oh and don't forget to change your-

3rd pov: Ash quickly hung up the phone before his mom could finish embarrassing him. Looking at his phones clock Ash realized he had to get ready right now! Rushing back towards May and Dawn he quickly relayed his decision before retrieving his pokemon and be-lining it for the stadium.........

Didn't want to end the chapter that quickly so I combined ch. 43 into this one, enjoy!

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