how you meet

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Welcome to White Space. You've been living here for as long as you can remember. Wasn't that the truth. You were trapped there for ages and ages alongside one other person. A neighbour of sorts. You didn't know them very well at first. They were a shut in; a real hikikomori. You didn't even know their name. All you could do was stare at them as they did what they did every day: they drew in their sketchbook, scrolled through their laptop, and cuddled their cat. The cat was very cute, you had to admit. It was a shame that you couldn't build up the courage to talk to them. They also sometimes disappeared. There was a white door near them, and they would go through it for long periods of time, and they'd return the next day.

It was a day like every other: you didn't know what to do, so you were laying down on the floor, wrapped tightly in your blanket. Then, you felt warmth. Another person. Or, should you say, creature. The black kitten had made itself comfortable on your lap, curling up and purring contently. You gently placed a hand down to pet it. It was soft and warm.

"Mewo, bad kitty. Come here," you heard a voice say as you sat up. There was a boy. The person across from you. He had black hair, a black tank top, white shorts, black socks and shoes, soulless black eyes and pale skin. "I'm sorry about her, she gets away sometimes."

"No," you responded with a chuckle. "I-it's fine, I enjoy the company."

The mysterious boy held Mewo in his arms for a while, but he didn't move. He just... stared. So, you decided to speak up.

"I'm YN. It's nice to finally meet you. I've been watching you from across White Space for a while. I-I mean- I'm sorry, that sounds weird, you're not funny-looking or anything, I swear I was just interested in you- I mean- Sorry, I'm really not good at this, am I?"

His expression almost softened, but he kept his frown. "Don't worry. I'm not all that good at this either. My name's Omori. It's a pleasure."

"Really, the pleasure's all mine. U-um... Do you want to... I dunno, be friends or something? It gets kinda lonely here."

"...I don't see why not."

The playground was always nice. The weather was beautiful, there were people everywhere, and what better day to have a picnic than on a day like that? It was good to visit your cousins in the Vast Forest again. It was nice in Otherworld Town, sure, but it was even nicer to meet up with Mari and Omori again. And, the best part was the fact that they were gonna introduce you to their friends for the first time.

"Hey, YN, can you please pass the butter? I need to finish these sandwiches before the others arrive," Mari asked with a wide smile on her face.

"This is why you should've made them before you came, so you wouldn't be rushing now!"

"Yeah, I know, but they're better fresh! And besides, if I don't get them done before they get here, then everyone'll spoil their appetites with Hero's cookies!"

"Can you stop talking about Hero for five minutes?" Omori questioned quietly, a small smile on his face.

"Hey! It's not like I talk about him that much! Now, butter faster already!"

After a few minutes, you could hear a yell of hello. There were four people walking down the path. There was a girl with a bow in her hair, a boy with a flower crown and a camera, a taller boy (who you assumed to be Hero), and one last boy with a top coated in multicoloured squares and a basketball in his hands.

"Who's this?" the tall one asked, looking at you with a wide, friendly smile as he set the platter of cookies down. They looked absolutely delicious.

𝚘𝚢𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚒 ~ 𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒 𝚋𝚏/𝚐𝚏 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now