first dates: kel

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Kel didn't tell you where he was taking you. He just met you out the front of your house, and you walked down the street, keeping his hand in yours the entire time as you walked together. He had a wide smile on his face as you both stopped in front of a building.

"Alright, are you ready to see something cool, YN? Boom! Here we are, first date!"

"...The arcade?"

"Yeah!" He paused, fidgeting with his hands slightly in what seemed to be panic. "D-do you not like the arcade? Because we can go somewhere else, really."

"No! I m-mean... I do like the a-arcade. Let's go."

Kel held the arcade door open to you, and you carefully snuck through and into the place. It was bright, full of neon colours and people. You didn't like people. But, Kel stood beside you anyway, and he took your hand as he paid for you both.

"Alright... Which game first?"

"How about Street Fighter?"

"Street Fighter?" he purred smugly, making his way to the machine and sticking in a few coins. "Well, I hope you enjoy losing!"

"We'll see."

I'm not going to beat around the bush here: he lost. And the look on his face as the tickets slowly rolled out of the machine was absolutely delicious. "Hey, no fair!"

"Hey, you had this coming!" you giggled, making your way towards another game. You were good at arcade games, and it was a talent which you flaunted when it came to Kel. He could beat you at sports, board games, etcetera, but you could beat him at most any game.

"Come on! I'll beat you at Pac-Man, let's go!"

Well, you kept on playing until you ran out of time, and you had two plastic bags filled to the brim with arcade tickets. You fell onto a couch together, absolutely exhausted.

"...We have to spend these somehow," he mumbled, taking a deep sigh. You had counted every last ticket, and together you had amounted 11,037 in total (you stole some that people had left behind, and you had stayed there together for a lot longer than you had originally intended to), meaning you could buy practically anything you wanted. "Hey, how many gag vomits d'you think I could buy with this money? I'll put them on Hero's cooking some time!"

"...3 maximum would be enough for you."

You ended up buying: 2 ginormous plushies, 3 gag vomits for Kel, one really long pencil, thousands of plastic babies so together you could create Baby Mountain™, and two plastic bracelets: an orange one for Kel and a (favourite colour) one for you. You still had tickets to spare, so Kel insisted on giving them to random children in the arcade, who appreciated the kind gift thoroughly.

After you left the arcade, Kel laced his arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Your face was flushed.

"W-what was that for?"

"It was for my one and only, duh! Oh, the ice cream place is down the road, my treat! This date isn't over yet!"

He pulled you into the ice cream parlour and to the front desk. After a minute or two of perusing the various flavours, you both picked: Kel getting cookies and cream, and you getting (favourite ice cream flavour). You sat down together at a booth, squishing past the giant plushies that you had seated next to you both.

"So," he asked you through a mouthful of the cold, sweet treat. "What are you gonna name them?"

"I don't know." You looked back to the large lion toy next to you. "Have you named yours?"

"Not yet..." His was a fluffy stuffed rabbit. "I was thinking YN."

"Why m-my name?"

"Because it's cute, like you! Dunno, I may start calling you bunny too."


He laughed at your embarrassment happily. He carefully lifted the rabbit's paw onto the table, then he reached over and placed the lion's on top of it. "There we go, double date."

"...You're so embarrassing." He reached over and stole a spoonful of your ice cream, sticking it into his mouth with a satisfied hum. "Hey!"

"That's what I pride myself on. And don't worry, I was gonna pay you back, give me a second!" He then leaned over the table, placing his lips to yours. It started off almost forceful, but then it relaxed into something a lot calmer. You both parted, and he chuckled again. "I-I'm sorry, haha, I've just always wanted to do that!"

You brushed your fingers over your lips quickly... and then you smiled back at him. "It's alright. I'm having fun."

To quote Belle Delphine: You were thinking I died? *hun* SURPRISE!! I'm sorry it took me so long to post again, life's been kinda busy for me 😅
Alright, here we go again: thanks for 27k reads! Y'all are special, and I love reading each and every one of your comments! The amount of support this book has been getting has been astronomical, and I feel like I'm going to go monke mode™ every time I see another 1,000 reads has been added! You all make my day and mean so much to me, so I have to thank you for keeping me sane through my hardships.
Now, another announcement! One of the main reasons I haven't been posting is because I've been working on two other fics: a Welcome To Night Vale AU (because fandoms go brr)... and another OMORI one, based off of my idea of what happens ten years after the good ending (such as Sunny becoming famous and Basil becoming a journalist as two examples as to not give everything away). So, I'll let you know when those are posted!
Alright, that's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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