what sort of aus you'd be part of

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OMORI - Crime Boss AU
You rolled your eyes, swishing the half-empty glass of brandy around carefully, knocking it back soon after. The party was alive and noisy, filled with those on equal territory. Yes, you were a crime boss. And yes, you were hosting a huge party.

"Isn't this party amazing, boss?" your lackey, Kel, asked while nudging you with his elbow.

"The only thing amazing about this party is how boring it is," you sighed in response. "Grab me another, would you?"


As he scurried away, someone new sat next to you. He wore a white button-up, a black vest, black suit pants and dress shoes, and he had a deep red and undone bow-tie hanging limply around his neck. His hair was black and fluffy, the colour matching his deep eyes. You couldn't tell where his shirt ended and his skin began, because he was so pale. You assumed he was one of the 'creature of the night'-type of criminal, only leaving late at night. His eyes were locked onto yours, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly as you met his gaze.

"My apologies for staring, your beauty just fascinated me."

"Don't flatter me so."

"Well, if you're so bored, might I ask how good you are at poker?"

You raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Good enough to twin. YN LN."

"Call me Omori."

(DREAM) KEL - Streamer AU
"Goddammit!" Kel blasphemed, slamming his fist onto the desk before looking back to his monitor. Chat was going wild.

lmaooo he's gamer raging
kel pog?
kel i bought you that keyboard you wanted off of amazon please respond to my dms
play bedwars!!!
i love your streams 💜💜💜

"Don't gimme that, chat. I'll challenge them to another battle. Alright, let's take 'em down this time." The person he was playing against, who's user was (username), swung their diamond sword, critting him and throwing a splash potion of harming, killing Kel again. The chat was pissing themselves with laughter as his jaw dropped. "H-hey! That's unfair!"

He slammed the keys into the server chat.

kelconnor01: (username), do u have discord? i wanna chat
(username): yeah, i do. it's (discord tag)
kelconnor01: im adding u now. hope you don't mind that im live cos im gonna call you and we can talk in depth
(username): don't sweat it, i am too.

"Alright, chat, here we go," he said as he clicked the grey phone button. It rang out for a couple of seconds, and then you picked up.

"Kel! Fancy as big a streamer as you calling me! Well, what's up with you, Mr Big Shot and your 3k subs?"

He paused for a second. "Wait a second... I remember you!! You're Omori's cousin, aren't you?"

"Bingo bongo, you've got it! A big hello to Kel's chat, it's me! YN LN, also known as (username), the cousin of OyasumiOmori," you introduced. "We've played together a couple of times. Now, what were you wanting to talk about?"

"Well, my original intention was to challenge you to a duel ingame, but I was thinking we could play bedwars."

"Sounds like a plan!"

(DREAM) AUBREY - Coffee Shop AU
You rushed into the coffee shop, staring down at the wad of money you held in your hands. You had to get the coffee your boss wanted before he got back. If you didn't, he'd be super upset. You slammed the cash onto the counter. The barista looked at you with surprise, brushing her black hair over her shoulder.

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