asdfghjkl self-indulgent kel thing: kel x reader

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Story: Kel breaks into YN's house and threatens them with pasta. (I promise it's a bit less intimidating than it sounds.)


You were feeling down. You didn't really know why. It was just a period of feeling generally sad. To quote the extremely dead meme of the little boy yodelling in Walmart: You had 'a feeling called the bluuuuUUUUuuuUUuues, oh lawd'. You weren't really up to doing anything, talking to anyone, all that stuff. But, as you were lounging in bed on your phone, you got an unexpected visitor.

There was a knock at your window, and Kel waved at you furiously through the glass. You thought nothing of it at first, but then remembered... your room was on the second floor. Immediately panicking, you rushed over, unlocking the window and letting him come in. After he managed to successfully fit his lanky body through the window, he shook his head, letting a multitude of leaves and twigs fall to your floor. You wouldn't have been able to tell him apart from a bird's nest.

"W-what are you doing here?? How did you..."

"You weren't answering the door, so I climbed up the big tree next to your bedroom window! I think I may have hit my head, heh... Sorry for getting stuff on your floor."

"It's fine, as long as you're not too badly hurt."

"I dunno how you missed me almost falling off of the roof," he murmured quickly.

"Probably because I had my earbuds in," you responded. "Anyway, you what??"

"Doesn't matter. Whatcha listening to?" He sat down on the edge of your bed, kicking his feet as you unplugged/disconnected your earbuds, letting (favourite song) by (favourite artist) blast through your quiet room. He bopped his head along happily, humming to the tune. "Ooh, this is one of my favourite songs! I listen to it and I think of you."

You smiled weakly, making him furrow his eyebrows. Then, he took the chance to look around your dark room. The sunlight that illuminated your room had faded away, leaving nothing but darkness with a hint of moonlight. Your room was messy, with clothes and items all over the floor. And, he shivered a little.

"It's freezing in here! Hang on, I'm gonna go turn on your heater. Here, take my jumper." You put it on reluctantly, wrapping the orange fleece around your body. He had already warmed it a little, so putting it on felt like a cosy hug. "And, it's a bit of a mess. Even by my standards."


"I should probably explain some of my intentions for this visit, hehe. It's just... You haven't been responding to my messages and calls, you aren't answering the door, and I haven't seen you out of the house in days. What's wrong? You know you can talk to me, right? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, you didn't do anything wrong."

"...C'mere." He pulled you closer, wrapping a protective arm around you and gripping your hand gently. "You're worrying me, doll. Please, can you tell me why you're shutting yourself in?"

"I-I dunno, I'm just kinda sad. I'm really tired and stuff, I don't really want to go out, and things just feel generally bad. I keep getting this massive pit in my stomach that won't go away, everything hurts, and my motivation is seriously lacking."

He paused for a second, leaning down to rest his head on your lap. After murmuring something about thighs being a gift from whoever's above, he spoke up again. "Hero did this when Mari died."


"Really. And, it frustrates me to say that I couldn't do anything to help him move on, no matter how much I tried. I couldn't cure him of his sadness, but I tried my best to. And, after he eventually snapped, he came to his senses and started to work hard to push past the pain." He caught himself from rambling, rubbing his eyes with his palms. "Th-the thing is, I can't really help you all that much. I can't just... wave a magic wand and make everything better. All I can do is support you so you can do your best to make everything better. And, I barely know how to help you. Only you really know how to help you."

"Wow..." you hummed, wiping your eyes with his sleeve. "That was oddly deep for you."

"Yeah, I think I may have hit my head a little too hard on that branch or something," he chuckled, before sitting up and giving you a gentle kiss. "Or maybe it's because I love you more than the world, love."

"I love you too."

"Now when was the last time you ate a proper meal?" You drew a bit of a blank, making him gasp loudly, exaggerating it exponentially. "That is not gonna do. Come on, I'm going downstairs and making you some of my famous pasta alfredo."

"Since when did you learn to cook?"

"Since Hero forced me to learn how to make something other than ramen and cereal." He scooped you into his arms gently, carefully carrying you downstairs and to the kitchen. "I'm staying with you tonight, ok?"

"How's your mum gonna react to that?"

"I've sent her a message already. I babysat Sal for two hours last night, she owes me."

"That's why there was crying coming from your house last night..."

woop woop i've been feeling kinda down recently so comfort character time *lipbite*
thank you all for 178k reads! i've finally made the decision for 200k plans (because i like to celebrate every little milestone bc it makes me happy lmao): if all goes well, hopefully both
a) aubrey cos! (i've wanted to do that for a while haha)
b) a small q&a! i won't answer extremely personal questions, but if you have any, then please ask and i'll get around to them when the milestone is hit :)
also, i'd like to announce that (even though i am extremely inactive normally ahaha) i'm probably going to be less active than normal throughout november, because i'm going to be partaking in nanowrimo (national novel writing month) this year again, working on that book i've been writing. i hope you can understand, but i promise i'll try my hardest to fit some time into my schedule for the fics, because i love writing for you all so so much!
that's all for now! catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag <3

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