random cute things they do (cos i'm running out of ideas lol)

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- tries his best to talk to your loved ones even though they scare him slightly

- gives you random hugs throughout the day

- saves a jar of life jam specifically for you in case you die

- protects you the most in battle

- lets you borrow his laptop when you need it

- boasts about you to literally everybody

- lets you have the last cookie

- if you have groups of scars/freckles/etc, does his best to kiss each and every one if you let him (consent is hot)

- if you fall asleep somewhere, makes sure nobody wakes you

- sings romantic duets with you in karaoke if you're too afraid to sing alone

- comes over for random visits

- spends hours and hours researching your favourite topics so you can talk about them together

- gives you random little gifts, from stuff she buys to random cool rocks she finds

- helps you do basic tasks when you don't have the motivation too

- lets you borrow her plushies when you want them

- bakes you food

- gives you random flowers

- writes romantic poems and puts them in your letterbox

- sings you to sleep when you're tired

- shows you off to whoever listens

- takes lots of cute photos of you and puts them in photo albums

- grows you flowers and makes bouquets/flower crowns

- researches things you like so you can discuss them

- sends you random letters even though you live nearby

- reads books you like/listens to music you like, even if he's not a fan of the genre

- helps you with chores

- leaves random sticky notes with positive messages on them for you

- lets you pick picnic locations so she'll know your favourite spots

- brings up topics you've talked about before together so you know she's been listening intently

- if you're feeling down, spends as much time as possible with you

- practices basic conversation in the mirror so he can talk to your loved ones without being terrified of messing up

- plays you songs he wrote for you on the violin

- does his best with little bits of pda, although being lovey-dovey in public all the time makes him kinda uncomfy (he's getting used to it)

- lets you vent to him

- lets you teach him how to do some of your hobbies

- pda. lots of it.

- dedicates baskets to you when he plays

- lets you borrow his jumper whenever you need

- gets you a ton of gifts

- shows you off to his friends ('you may have won that game buuuut you aren't dating yn suck iiiiiit')

- drops over for visits late at night

- gives you snacks

- passes notes to you in class

- lets you ride on her bike with her

- vandalises your initials in little hearts on benches, buildings, etc

- makes you lunch

- carries you around for no reason

- lets you borrow his notes

- stays on call with you until late

- plays you music

- holds your hand in public places although he's scared to

- randomly drops off flowers on your doorstep

- lets you ramble on about whatever and asks you questions so you can keep talking

- reads you books

- knits you jumpers and socks

- enslaves planets for you

- spends time with you

- finds you constellations

- cooks for you

- lets you borrow his clothes

- hand-makes you gifts

- lets you have days off whenever

- gives you random kisses

- sometimes sets up small games when you're both bored

- if you want it, you get it

howdy diddly doodly, folks! sorry for being dead, but i have a few announcements for you!
first of all, you may notice i have changed my username! if you haven't, surprise, i changed my username! i now go by atinytrashbag, like my other socials! (atinytrashbag on instagram, tinytrashbag on youtube, atinytrashbag/tinytrashbag on pinterest, tinytrashbag on spotify) i'm not gonna change the covers of my previous fics, because i can't find the majority of them. hope y'all understand!
the second is that i'm running low on ideas! what do you guys wanna see? i have a bunch of requests for something with the unbread twins and i can assure you, a oneshot is on the way! but, other than that, i have nothing.
finally, thanks for 151k!!! love y'all!
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag

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