their birthdays

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On his birthday, you were pulled aside by Mari, who informed you that she had a plan, so it'd be really helpful if you kept him away from the park for the morning. You naturally agreed, so you took him out to get breakfast and go on a walk together. At lunch, you went to the park, where Mari and the others had planned a surprise party.

The day before his birthday, you had Kel stay at your house overnight, so when you both woke up, you baked a cake together first thing in the morning. When it was in the oven, you gave him his birthday present. He took it thankfully, but he told you after that having you with him was the best present he could get.

You borrowed a photo from Basil, and painted a canvas for her. It took her a couple of days, but it was worth it. You all met up at the park together, and after she unwrapped the canvas, her eyes lit up. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and happily thanked you. After that, you sat down and ate cake, and Aubrey fell asleep on your shoulder.

You took a day off of work to spend time with Hero on his birthday. After the usual festivities in the morning with the others, you insisted on taking him out to dinner. When your meal was over, you went on a walk together and watched the sunset. You gave him one more gift after that, and he appreciated it very much, giving you a kiss as you sat there.

You'll go over to his house early in the morning, just as he's waking up, and surprise him. He's often still very sleepy and sort of dazed, but you give him lots of attention and affection until he's fully awake. After he is awake, before you go and meet with the others, you sit down and go through old photo albums together.

You get her a nice, simple gift and meet up with her as soon as possible. She appreciates it very much, and you both lay down on the ground and you play with her hair, slowly falling asleep in the middle of the day until the others wake you. Then, you all spend time together, and you smile at the fact that you've made her happy.

You send him a happy birthday text in the morning, then you go to the party that Mari had planned with their family and friends. When you're there, sometime later in the day you snuck off with Sunny to the treehouse to get some peace and quiet. You both talked until late, and you managed to sneak in another quick kiss or two before Mari called you inside for dinner.

You got a knock on your door at the most ungodly hour. It was Kel, of course, with the others in tow, all of them looking as tired as you. T'was the birthday brigade, there to pick you up for the day's festivities. It was pretty simple: you all went bowling, then back to Kel and Hero's house for pizza and a sleepover. You ended up falling asleep next to each other, and he kissed you again.

You and the other members of the gang surprised Aubrey. You all appeared at the front door of her house, and when she answered the door, you all gave her the gifts you bought. She was shocked, but she thanked you nonetheless. After that, she grabbed her bike as well, and you all went out to get pizza. But, you stuck around after, and you went to hang out at the park together.

Hero's little brother, Kel, called you (on Hero's phone) a few days before Hero's birthday, telling you his plans. On the day, you drove up to the beach to meet up with Hero, his old friends, and his family. You all got on quite well, but you were admittedly nervous to meet Hero's family for the first time. But, he gave you a kiss and proudly showed you off to all the others.

On his birthday, you showed up at his door with a bunch of flowers. Polly had answered, and she invited you in for breakfast. You got to meet Basil's grandmother for the first time too. She quite liked you! After that, you went out for a walk together, stopping at a cafe when you were hungry. While you were eating, you pulled out his present. He was very thankful, & that made you happy.

Wholesome content right there! What did you get them? That's up to you!
I've got something special planned for the next one, so sit tight!
That's it for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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