what they do if you point a camera at them

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He'd immediately turn away out of embarrassment, but after some coaxing, he'll let you photograph him.

He immediately hogs as much of the camera as possible. He'd probably take it from you and take a bunch of selfies.

She'd be surprised at first, but she still smiles and lets you take the picture. She then takes a photo of you too.

He's slightly camera shy, but he's Hero. Of course every photo you take of him is perfect. There has never been a bad photo of Hero. Never.

He'd cover his face with whatever he can a lot of the time, but sometimes you can sneak up on him and catch one when he's not looking.

She just lets it happen. Sometimes she stops and poses, other times she just keeps doing what she's doing. Naturally, she looks good in every one.

He often stays blank faced, but when it's just the two of you he smiles more, sometimes jokingly wrestling the camera out of your hands.

He does an insane amount of over-exaggerated poses, often pairing them with stereotypical expressions like the duck lips.

She often just shoves the camera out of the way in jest, making a lot of the pictures blurry, but sometimes she just accepts it and sometimes she gives a small smile.

He lets it happen, giving a nice smile and then taking the camera and photographing you, definitely calling you beautiful the whole time.

He's camera shy, so he turns/runs away a lot, but you can convince him to stay for some photos. You have to compliment him, though, or else his lack of self-confidence gets in the way.

He asks what you're doing, and then laughs in slight embarrassment when he picks up on it, letting you get some nice pictures of him laughing.

...I don't think I have to explain much for her. She embraces it fully, making sure you get 'her good side'. Who am I kidding, it's Sweetheart; every side's 'her good side'.

just a short chapter for tonight, sorry, folks! i've just been busy working on an original story which i intend to share with you all at some point... that is, if you're interested.
today's thank you... thanks for 160k?! what the hell?! we're hella close to 200k already?! gahdayum.
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag

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