if yn passes out

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He'd instantly go into panic mode. He'd call Mari over, he wouldn't leave your side, he'd be doing everything he could to wake you up. He'd get you a drink, he'd get you a snack, he'd make sure you're ok as soon as you're conscious.

He'd be spending a lot of time trying to wake you up, consulting Mari and Hero for advice, etc. He's actually extremely serious when there's a possibility you're in harm's way. He'd likely just wrap you up in an extremely tight blanket burrito and stay by your side until you wake up.

She'd immediately start to cry, because she doesn't know what to do, but then she'll gather herself and try to figure out a logical solution. She'll shake you, try to talk to you, sometimes pour water over your head, until you're awake again.

He'd obviously be worried, but he'd likely also be one of the most rational in the situation. He'd get you somewhere safe, or somewhere cozy. He'd then keep a close eye on you, checking your breathing and preparing you something to eat/drink when you wake.

He'd be so panicked that he can't form a coherent thought. He'd probably try his best to carry you, but fail miserably due to the fact that he isn't all too strong. He'd then probably grab one of the others and plead for advice.

She'd be worried, but not in a way that makes her seem frantic. No, she'd remain calm and stay by your side until you wake up. She'd probably rest your head on her lap and stroke your hair until you gained consciousness. She'd also make sure to loosen any restrictive clothing.

He'd get unbelievably worried, and he'd immediately call Mari and ask for advice. Upon hearing her advice, he'd carry you to either a bed or a couch and let you rest there, getting you a juice or something when you wake up to make sure your blood sugar's alright.

He'd think you're joking at first, but he then realizes and quickly asks for some help to get you to somewhere you can lay down. He's actually surprisingly good at taking care of somebody who's passed out as someone who helped Hero when he worked himself to exhaustion.

She'd gather the gang to help out, sending some people to get you a drink, others to get you some blankets, while her and whoever's left try their hardest to wake you up. If she notices you getting cold, she drapes her jacket over your shoulders.

Being someone who's done some medical training, he immediately moves you to lay on your back, checks your pulse/breathing, and lifts your legs above heart level to increase the blood flow to your brain. When you wake up, he takes care to make sure you're alright at all times.

He panics, and asks Polly for advice if she's in the vicinity. If she is, both of them help you out. If she isn't, he tries to gather himself and asks somebody for help. If there's nobody there, he does his best to carry you out of there and get you to somewhere you can properly lay down.

He takes you to the ship's medic immediately, where he doesn't leave your side until you're awake. He then makes an extremely massive deal out of it ("MY MONARCH I THOUGHT YOU DIED") because he was extremely worried.

She orders the sprout moles to take you to either her or your room for you to stay at. She then orders them to make you some tea/a snack for when you wake up while she watches over you intently to make sure you're alright.

uhh idk what to say for an a/n today
thanks for 259k! wow ok road to 300k les go
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag

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