if yn goes missing

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He would not sleep at all. This man would only close his eyes to blink. Because of a lack of sleep, he'd be easily upset/angered and if anyone wanted to give up on searching for you, he'd tend to yell at them. He'd also break down crying whenever he was alone.

He'd get really mad. Not with you, but with everybody else. Police, family, friends, teachers... He would not hesitate to scream at them out of worry. He wouldn't even bother to pretend to be fine. He would have just lost the person who means more than the world to him.

She'd become really upset, and would barely leave your room/home. She'd hold your stuffed animals at night, she'd wear your clothes, raid your fridge (if she feels like eating), she'd even clean up while waiting for you to come home.

He'd play it cool and pretend that he's calm, although he'd eternally have you on his mind. He'd keep something small of yours in his pocket, watch films/tv shows that remind him of you, etc. He wants to make sure he won't forget about you.

He'd be an emotional mess. He'd have panic attacks/mental breakdowns/sensory overloads, he'd sometimes not speak, and he'd spend any moments of motivation he could muster hunting for you everywhere. He will not stay calm, no matter how much he's told. (A/N: ahaha y'all mind if i just mcfreakin uhhhh project onto one of my kins)

If you went missing, that'd be one of the only times she'd begin to worry. She'd spend quite a lot of time attempting to locate you, she'd begin to forget a lot of other also important things because she'd be thinking of you the whole time, etc.

He'd be surviving off of caffeine, getting only a few hours of sleep (because mari made him), and he'd stay home from school because he couldn't focus. He'd also go around to every house in the neighbourhood deliriously, asking if people had seen you.

Police officers would be taking care of it, but if you disappeared, that'd be the time he'd get the most work done. He always made sure he was doing something, so he wouldn't be fretting over you 24/7, like homework or listening to a spotify playlist he made.

She'd immediately gather the rest of the gang together to organise a rescue mission, no matter what time of day/night she lost track of you. She'd also become a lot more aggressive, lashing out at her other friends if they didn't know where you were.

He'd stay in your dorm room (with your roommate's permission), and he'd investigate around the place in his spare time. He'd get fairly behind on his work, and he'd always be tired, but he would be utterly determined to find you.

He'd immediately let Polly know, then he'd go into a state similar to how he was around the time of The Incident. He'd look through his photo albums at photos of you he took, and he'd keep one with him at all times.

Two words. Intergalactic manhunt. His main goal would be to locate whoever made you go missing and punish them dreadfully, because that would mean he could be able to find your whereabouts. You'd be the thing that's on his mind the most.

She'd get a sprout mole army together. Every last one that's under her control. Then, they'd spread out and search the area until you're found. She does worry about you, and sometimes talks to you because she forgets you're gone and she's used to you being there.

Anyway for tonight's thank you... thank you nasty simps for 73k reads! I have something special in mind for when we hit 100k, because it's oddly close! (lowkey feel ready to combust atm you all amaze me so much and ily)
I'm also planning to go through this book, write my favourite comments on sticky notes and put them on my wall so if you want something on the wall, just like... comment on this paragraph. Let's see what happens, and see how ashamed my family will be when they enter my room.
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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