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Omori took a deep breath. It was the day. The day he was going to confess to you. It was driving him mad; he couldn't just keep the secret. But he was terrified of it. So, he did what Mari always told him: Just do it and get it over with.

"Hey, YN?"

"Huh? Yeah, what's up?" you responded, smiling at him and moving Mewo off of your lap again.

"Oh boy, here we go," he murmured before clearing his throat. "YN, I... I have feelings for you, and I would appreciate it if you gave me a chance!"

You paused a second, watching as he stared down at the floor, a blush on his face. He was too afraid to make eye contact, on the chance that you'd reject him.

"Omori... Of course I will!"


"Well, it'd be kinda dumb to reject you if I feel the same, huh?" you mumbled bashfully, your face turning pink.


He smiled widely before tightly hugging you. You had nothing to do but hug him back. He was warmer than you thought he'd be, considering his usually low temperature. Probably due to his blush.

All you both knew at that very second was that you were both the happiest people you could be.

You were making yourself a cup of hot chocolate as the rain was pouring down. It was cold, dreary, and miserable. But, you heard a knock at the door, so obviously you had to answer, you'd feel bad for leaving them in the rain.

When you opened the front door, you were greeted by Kel, who was standing in the pouring rain, soaking wet.

"Kel!! What are you doing here?!"

"I... I ran... all the way here... from Neighbour's Room. I asked around... p-people pointed me to... where you lived, all because I really need to tell you... oh geez... lemme catch my breath," he wheezed.

"You're such an idiot, you ran all the way here in the pouring rain, you're gonna get sick!"

"I know," Kel mumbled, a rosy blush on his face as he grabbed your hands with his. They were cold and damp, just like you expected."I... I can't not tell you! That's why I came all this way to say it: YN, I love you!"

You paused in shock. You had never expected this. Kel ran all the way to Otherworld Town in the pouring rain just to confess in the middle of the night. Well, a flush crept up your face at the thought of accepting his feelings. Nobody, and I mean nobody, had ever done such a thing for you before. It was... nice. You liked it. It was a special feeling.


"If I kissed you, would you hit me? Because I want to kiss you, but not if you're going to hit me."

You smiled at him. "Kiss away."

You frantically knocked on the door to Neighbour's Room. Hero opened it for you with a wide grin on his face. He glanced down to the singular, slightly wilted flower in your hand, then back up to you.

"I-is Aubrey home?"

After a second, a look of realisation appeared on his face. "Oh! Oh, I see, come on in!"

When you entered, you saw Aubrey and Kel, playing cards on the floor. They seemed to be arguing over if one of them cheated.

"Aubrey, Kel! YN's here to visit!" Hero announced excitedly. "Hey, Kel, remember that you were gonna help me with that thing?"

"What thing-" Kel didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before his older brother hoisted him over his shoulder and carried him outside.

You sat down across from Aubrey, taking a deep breath as you tore out a page of your sketchbook.

𝚘𝚢𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚒 ~ 𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒 𝚋𝚏/𝚐𝚏 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now