helping you out with your mental health (dialogue)

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OMORI - panic
YN? Where are you? YN! Are you alright? What's wrong? ...Oh. I see. You're panicking, right? Alright. First thing's first, are you alright if I touch you? If you're finding it hard to speak, let's say holding one finger up means yes, two means no, and three means I don't know. Ok? One? Alright, is this ok? If not, you can say so.

...Alright. So, I feel like this sometimes too, and I'd like you to know that your feelings aren't wrong. It is not weird or wrong for feeling panicked, and it's not bad to cry when you're upset. But, it's always important to breathe, or you can lose yourself sometimes. I know that for sure. So, I'm gonna lead you through some breathing exercises now, is that alright? That's good to hear.

So, there's this tactic I like to use here. Can I hold your hand, please? No? That's perfectly fine, I'll just use mine for now. You see? So, on my hand, I have five fingers. My fingertips represent breathing in, the spaces between represent breathing out. Do you understand so far?

Alright, next, you take the pointer finger of your other hand and you touch it to the tip of your thumb. Then, you follow the shape of your hand with your finger, do you think you can do that? Good, there we go, nice and slowly, trace your whole hand. Now, can you do that again, but take a deep breath in every time you move your finger upwards, and a deep breath out when you move it down again?

There we go, you're doing wonderfully. In... and out. In... and out. I'm so, so proud of you, you know. Alright, just keep doing that, dear, and I'll be right here with you until you feel better. Because feelings like this come and go, you know? You may not feel 100% happy all the time, but that's alright, because you're getting there bit by bit. Just keep breathing, now... I love you.

(DREAM) KEL - anger
Hey, YN, love of my life! How're you- Whoa, hey, no need to get aggressive on me! What'd I do to- Ah, I see what's going on. Can I come any closer, or will I end up hurt at all? You know I don't want to risk my devilishly good looks getting ruined, heh. Alright, so can I? Cool. So... you're clearly angry about something. D'you wanna talk it out? No? Is it because of me? No again, huh? Well, that's a relief. Hey, when I'm mad, I like to go on walks! Do you wanna walk with me? Alright, cool! Let's-a-go!

So, you're mad. That's ok! I still love ya, and I won't stop loving ya 'till the day I die! Oh, right, anger. When I'm on walks like this, I try and find a place to sit down, like right here! Come on, sit with me! It's always so beautiful here, isn't it? Well, anyway, Mari taught me this trick! She called it the '5-4-3-2-1 grounding tactic'. Have you heard of it before? Nah? Well, it goes a little like this!

So, look around, and name five things you can see! It can be anything, like that bunny, or that plant, or that random stranger... I think I still owe him money, actually, please try and be quiet... or even me! You got five things? Cool, what are they? ...Well done!

Now, next up, name four things you can feel! I sure as heck can feel this grass... it's really itchy, isn't it! What are they, tell me! ...Oh, I never would have thought of that, that's a good one!

I'm gonna be quiet for this one: three things you can hear! It's really nice to stop and listen to the birds and stuff here, sometimes there's actually music- Right, I'll shut up. Got 'em? Nice!

Almost done, two things you can smell! Got it! That was fast, you're a master already!

And my favourite one, one thing you can taste! Here, I'll make this one easy for ya. Mwah! There we go, it's me! Alright, are you feeling better now? Awesome, that's good to hear! Now, let's get back, Hero was baking last night, and I refuse to miss out!

(DREAM) AUBREY - guilt
Hellooooo, YN! I'm here! YN? YN, what's wrong? You know you can talk to me, right? ...Oh, guilt, I see. Guilt is a powerful emotion. No, don't do that, we're gonna address this guilt together, okie-dokie? Ignoring guilt is a bad, bad thing, you know. Like all other feelings, guilt can build and intensify, making you feel worse and worse!

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