who recognized their feelings first?

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OMORI - both
You were staring blankly at Omori's laptop screen. There wasn't really anything to do in White Space, especially since Omori had fallen asleep quite a while ago. He was curled up on the floor, Mewo purring contently on his chest. You couldn't help it but stare at him with a smile. He looked so peaceful, just laying there. After a few minutes, you realised you had been staring for longer than would be considered appropriate. So, you looked back to the computer.

It was a pretty plain laptop: Nothing all that noteworthy. A black and white wallpaper with a brick pattern. But, there was only one application: a journal. Despite your better judgement, you clicked on it anyway. There was an array of different entries. All marked at the top as Day ???. You chose to look at the latest entry.

Day ???: Today I spent time with YN in White Space. It was fun. One day, I may show them what it's like in Vast Forest, possibly Otherworld Town, maybe even Orange Oasis, that is, if they're enjoying themself. I mean, I wouldn't want them to be uncomfortable in any way. If they want to stay in White Space, then we can stay in White Space.

You blushed a bit at how considerate Omori sounded in the entry. It was almost like...

"Nah, that'd be weird," you mumbled to yourself, logging off of the laptop and letting it return to it's usual state of buzzing static.

"What would be weird?" Omori slurred back, half awake. He had just woke up, and it showed; his hair was a mess, his eyes were almost closed, and Mewo was quite upset that she was moved from quite a comfortable spot on his chest. You found that he looked quite... cute.

"O-oh! Nothing, I was just mumbling to myself, don't worry."

"Are you sure you're okay? Your face looks quite... red." He leaned over to place the back of his hand on your forehead. It was icy cold, as always. "You are quite warm, do you need to go to see a doctor? I don't know any medically trained doctors, but my sister may be able to help you. She's past that white door. I could show you around Vast Forest after, if you'd like."

"...T-that sounds like an idea I could get behind!" you said with a wide grin. There was one thing for sure: you liked Omori.

Omori sometimes watched you. It was pretty boring in White Space, and he didn't have anything better to do most days. He liked the way you smiled at simple things, like when you petted Mewo, or when he let you read through his sketchbook. You were on his mind. He was almost taken aback by it. He didn't know what it was.

So, he logged onto his laptop.

Day ???: Today I spent time with YN in White Space. It was fun. One day, I may show them what it's like in Vast Forest, possibly Otherworld Town, maybe even Orange Oasis, that is, if they're enjoying themself. I mean, I wouldn't want them to be uncomfortable in any way. If they want to stay in White Space, then we can stay in White Space. And... I don't know why I'm thinking of them so much. We only met... I don't know how long it's been. Why do I want to spend time with them? I'm a hikikomori, it's not how I'm supposed to be. My face is sort of red, and my stomach is hurting as well. Am I sick? Maybe Mari knows what it is. Wait a second... It's love, isn't it? Of course it is, what was I to expect? They're the only other person in White Space, after all; we spend so much time together. I know I would have fallen for them at some point.

Omori shut down his laptop with a sigh as he gazed over to you again. Mewo had trotted off again to sit in your lap, because he wasn't giving her enough attention. You smiled as you ran a hand through her fluffy black fur. He placed a hand to his cheek. It was bright red against his normally snow white flesh. Yep. It was love, alright.

(DREAM) KEL - kel
You threw the ball back to Kel, who missed it terribly. He yelled as you laughed with triumph. You were playing another game together as the others watched in amusement.

𝚘𝚢𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚒 ~ 𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒 𝚋𝚏/𝚐𝚏 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now