what happens when yn gets cat-called?

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If you ever got cat-called, then Omori would stop and stare at them. He would just stand there and watch them. Most times it scared them off. Other times it made them uncomfortable.

He'd glare at them before grabbing your arm and running off. You'd often hide in a bush together until it was 'safe to come out'.

She'd yell at the other person and call them mean, then ask you if you were okay and comfortable.

He'd go up to the other person, 'talk' to them and make them apologise. After that, he'd hold your hand and not let go.

He'll hold your hand and walk away with you. He'd also ask if you're alright.

She'd frown at them in disappointment and walk off, shielding you from any other unwanted attention. If they continued to pester you, she'd give them a talking to.

He'd drop whatever he was doing to run over and wrap his arm around you, looking back at the person with narrowed eyes.

He would immediately start yelling at them. You'd have to eventually grab his arm before he threw hands.

She'd send one or two of the gang members to beat whoever it was up, then she'd put her arm around your waist and never look back.

He'd glower at them for a bit, before whispering in your ear that you should leave. If you don't, he'll keep looking back to them to make sure they wouldn't pull anything.

Basil doesn't really do much, but you do. You glare at them before turning back to Basil,w ho apologises for not speaking up. You forgive him, of course. He didn't have to say anything.

Watch out, they comin' to whoop whoever called at you. Be warned, they probably each have some kind of weapon they could use; if they don't run in ten seconds, they're getting a picnic basket to the head.
Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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