you ignore them for a day

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Context: You were dared by one of the others to ignore them for a day as a prank. This is what happened.

He was very confused and hurt. He tried to get your attention the whole day, trying to hug you, stand right in front of you, talk to you, etc. It was pretty difficult, especially since he had no clue why you were ignoring him, and you could see how upset he was. By the end of the day, you explained everything, and he latched himself to you in a very tight hug, promising to almost never leave your side for the rest of the night.

It took him a while to process everything, but after a while, he figured it out, and claimed to be able to ignore you better. It was difficult for him, but he wouldn't tell you that! He just wanted to spend time with you, but he decided that he wouldn't lose, even if it killed him! When you were both informed that you had completed the dare, though, he sprinted over to your house, where he gave you a lot of attention.

She was upset that you were ignoring her. She followed you around, asked other people if they had any idea what was going on, she even started to cry right in front of you in the middle of one of Mari's picnics. So, you failed the dare halfway through the day, much to Aubrey's delight, and the others' disappointment. You spent the rest of the afternoon together, and you apologised to her every ten minutes (even though she always accepted your apologies).

Much like an 'anime waifu' with her 'senpai', he spent the entire day trying to get you to notice him. He followed you around, told you bad jokes to try and get you to laugh, he snuck up on you as an attempt to scare you, but all of his attempts were... admittedly mediocre. At the end of the day, he stood in front of you and apologised for whatever he did wrong for you to ignore him all day, and you explained what was going on. The look on his face was hilarious!

The day started off fairly easily: you hadn't seen Basil around all morning. He often came to visit you around lunchtime. So, until then, you gardened. When he came over to your house that afternoon, he was surprised by the fact you didn't notice him. At one point, you went inside and closed the door before he could get in, meaning you closed the door on his fingers. He started crying because it hurt, and that's when you gave up, explained, and helped to patch him up.

You thought it'd be simple. Hoo boy, were you wrong. You just stayed inside, not going to Mari's picnics. So far so good. But, then, she came to visit you, because you didn't show up. You didn't let her in. You couldn't. And she left, purely to go look for you. At the end of the day, you opened the door to go find her, but she was resting on your doorstep. She looked exhausted. She explained how she searched everywhere to find you, and you let her in, apologising.

He was confused. You didn't say hello to him in the halls, you didn't wander up to his locker to surprise him with a kiss like usual, and you didn't sit next to him during classes. At the very end of the school day, he noticed you making your way home. So, he went to catch up to you, completely ready to say sorry for whatever he did to make you mad. But then, you smiled and told him about the dare. He was slightly miffed, but he got over it quick enough.

After about half an hour into the day, he asked Hero what was going on with you. He reluctantly explained everything to him, but only because he looked worried. After that, he thought he'd play a little trick of his own. So, he wandered up to you at lunch, looking worried, then he asked you that if you were gonna pretend he didn't exist, then what was the point of him being your boyfriend? You immediately caved, and after he had a good laugh, you both said sorry.

She didn't really think much of it at first. But, after a while, she began to feel hurt. She asked the other gang members what was wrong, but they lied and pretended they didn't know. She then followed you for a bit, attempting to bargain with you by offering to buy you food. And thus, you caved: death by gas station slushie. You explained to her about what had happened, and who's fault it was, and you had to stop her from attacking the others.

He immediately began to stress out. He called you a total of 160 times, sent you over 1,037 messages (a lot of them were only one word long in sheer desperation), and at the end of the day, he came over to visit your dorm, where you explained everything. He was relieved, and kind of grumpy, but he gave you the tightest hug you've ever been given. He then apologised for being so clingy, because he was quite worried, and you both laughed it off.

You thought it'd be easy, really you did, but it wasn't. Your strategy was to distance yourself from him all day. He noticed this, and it upset him. You ended up giving up after he sat down underneath a tree and started to sniffle, and Aubrey and her gang were making their way towards him. After defending Basil, you apologised sadly, to which he accepted, giving you a tight hug and shyly asking if you'd like to go get lunch together.

This one was fun! I quite enjoyed writing these haha. Next up: are you ready to hear about your first dates?
That's it for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag <3

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