first dates: basil

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You knocked on Basil's door. He bashfully opened it, a blush on his face. You smiled at him. "You ready for this date?"

"Y-yeah. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Oh, bring your camera."

You carefully took his hand and you walked down the road. The Faraway Botanic Gardens weren't all that far, just around the corner to Basil's house. It was the perfect time to visit. All of the flowers were in bloom. You knew how much he loved flowers, and taking photos of them. The way his face lit up when you entered through the gates made you grin too. "YN! It's so beautiful here... Come on, let's go!" he said, dragging you into the gardens and making you laugh.

There were plenty of plants there. You admittedly weren't all that educated in plants. But, you wanted to be educated in Basil's happiness, so you let him teach you. Together, you held hands and moseyed through the place, stopping to take photographs every few minutes. But, eventually, he paused in front of a bush.

"YN, look! It's a gladiolus."

"A gladiolus? Does that represent something?"

He stared back at you, an almost childlike wonder in his blue eyes that you had almost never seen before. "Gladioluses are sometimes referred to a sword flowers because of the sword-like shape of both the foliage and the flower spike. The flower spire is said to pierce the heart of the recipient with love. They represent strength of character, faithfulness, never giving up... a-and infatuation... That's why they remind me of you."

He blushed a little, making you smile and look closer at the gladioluses. Then, you could hear a shutter click. You turned back to see Basil pointing his camera at you. The picture that printed out was of you, a content smile on your face as you looked over the flower bed.

"B-but you're the... prettiest flower of them all." He turned away with a small whine, red-faced with embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, I'm not good at this... I'm sorry that I keep s-slowing us down by taking all these photos, by the way."

"...I thought it was sweet, Baz," you replied, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him closer. "And, that's the fifth time you've said sorry this whole walk."

"O-oh my-"

You cut him off by kissing him gently. You didn't want to overwhelm him too much. After you parted, he stammered a little before taking a breath and slamming his lips onto yours again in a kiss that was a bot more forceful. You lifted him up by his waist and spinned him around before putting him down again.

"T-that was... Wow..." he mumbled, running a hand through his blonde fringe after you parted.

After you had finished the walk, you stopped by at the garden's cafe for a drink and afternoon tea, then, you walked him home during golden hour, the sun streaming onto the sidewalk. You were out the front of his home, ready to say goodbye, but someone opened the door. A middle-aged woman, who was wearing an apron.

"Oh, hello! You must be YN. I've heard a lot about you, dear. You're right, Basil, they are cute!"


"Oh, sorry, was I not supposed to say that?" the woman, who's name was apparently Polly, joked, winking at you. "I'm Polly, Basil's caretaker. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, YN! I was wondering... Basil really enjoys your company, and I'd like to get to know you better too! So, if you'd like, you could stay for dinner."

"It's wonderful to meet you," you chuckled. "And, I'd be happy to stay for dinner, if I'm not any trouble."

"Not at all, dear! Come in, come in, I'm serving it up now! Basil can show you where the phone is so you can let your family know, alright?"

After you called your family to let them know your location, you sat next to Basil at the dinner table, where Polly had prepared a delicious-looking meal. "Basil told me that you liked this, so I thought I'd cook it. Dig in, really!"

You spent dinner getting to know Polly, who embarrassed poor Basil with her jokes, making you laugh every time. You tried your hardest to make a good impression, and it seemed to be working. At one point, he left to go to the bathroom, leaving you and Polly alone together.

"YN, I've been meaning to tell you this..." You immediately thought that you had done something wrong by the way Polly's voice shifted in tone. "I just wanted to thank you. I've heard that you've been looking out for Basil recently. I love him, I really do, more than life itself... but he doesn't really know how to stand up for himself. Life's been hard for him. He and his old friends drifted apart, his grandmother passed recently, and he hasn't been coping all that well. But, ever since he met you, he's seemed so much happier. So... YN, thank you for bringing my little boy back."

You were taken aback slightly, but you smiled softly at her. "You're welcome. I really care about Basil, I really do."

"So... it's lucky that I fully trust you."

The heartfelt conversation was cut short by Basil's return. The happiness in his eyes made you happy too. And, to Basil, it was wonderful to feel so content again.

That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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