toasts (timeskip) 40k special!!

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At your weddings, a toast was requested by the guests, so they stood up and said the following. I'll leave the rest up to interpretation! Enjoy :) (This'll be a (probably) one-off timeskip, so after this, we're going back to normal... unless you guys want more timeskip chapters! Let me know what you'd want if so! <3)

YN, I'd like to start by saying... I really don't know what to say. I'm just going to start with this horrible attempt at heartfelt vows: it feels like only yesterday when we first met. Mewo had ran off, and I went to get her back. I never expected to make such a good friend, and an even better partner. The truth is... I always knew you were there. I was just so much of a wimp as to not say anything. But, that event changed my life, and it changed for the better. You're the most beautiful person I know, with a smile that lights up any room, and eyes that shine under the sunset. And, I can't wait to spend every sunset with you. So, let's raise our glasses to a happy future. Cheers.

I remember, when we were younger, I met you for the first time. You were Omori and Mari's cousin, who was just stopping by. But, you were so much more to me, YN. I felt sparks that I had never felt before. And, I knew, somewhere deep down inside of me, that I wanted to be with you for my e-entire... I'm sorry, I'm- I'm blubbering like a-a baby on the m-most important... a-and happiest... day of my life so far, hahaha... Anyway, I want to tell you how much I love you, and how excited I am to be yours. Maybe we could start a family, get a nice little home by the bay, retire happily, our kids moved out of home and with kids of their own. Or not! As long as I'm with you. Because, that's all I really want. Thank you, everybody, and cheers!

I'm going to start off this speech by saying something I've been meaning to say for years and years. Your confession to me that day... was adorably hilarious. If I remember it right, you said that you 'loved my face and the stuff in it'. And then... You said that you had feelings for me. And I liked you back. So, we went on our first date. And, that date spiralled into so many more dates, and so many more happy memories of the times that we've spent together. And now we're here, drinking a toast and dancing the night away as newlyweds! And, I think this night is going to be one of the happiest memories of them all. So, drink up, everyone! Cheers!

A-A toast? Well... Oh, geez- Kel, p-pass me a tissue here. Yes, thank you. Anyway! When I first saw YN, they were just working at the supermarket, checking out food. But, I knew that behind it all, there had to be someone more. S-so... Kel, another tissue... I decided to talk to you. And, I fell in love instantly. So, when I told you my feelings, and you accepted them, I thought that that would be the happiest I've ever been in my life. But, I was w-wrong! It's now. Right here, right now, right by your side, as I always wanna be. I-I'm so sorry, Kel, another- Oh, thank you. Haha, I can't b-believe this... I'm sorry, I don't t-think I can say anything else, so c-cheers!

Toasts, huh? D-do I have to? Well, alright, if I have to... So, I have photo albums. I-I know that probably sounds irrelevant, but hear me out. I've been taking photos for years and years now, and I have many photo albums f-filled to the brim with photos of things I love. That's probably why I have many an album of pictures of Y-YN. I liked to look back at those photos and watch how our... relationship grew and changed. It got better every year. B-but, and this is kinda hard to say, I think it's time that I put the old albums down. Because I now have a wonderful s-spouce, and together we're gonna make new memories, ones that'll make our childhoods seem like feeble dreams. I love you, YN. Cheers.

Hi! Hello, everyone! I just want to start off by thanking you all for coming, you made this wedding so much better! But, and no offence, even if you weren't there, I'd still be grinning from ear-to-ear. Because, I am now a WIFE!! Yes, I am married to one of the people, if not the person that makes me the happiest in the world, YN! Nothing could be better than that! I never thought I'd be able to look out over you all and say those words. When we first met, they weren't all that talkative, just like my little brother. But, I managed to coax them into a conversation, we became a couple, and now this! I just have to say, YN, I'll try and be the best wife I can. All it costs is your love! Cheers!

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