head over heart: sunny x reader

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Story: Sunny tells YN about a few dreams he's had.
(This Sunny and YN aren't the same as the ones in the scenarios in this one-shot... you'll find out why soon enough.)


You clapped for your boyfriend, Sunny, as he finished off playing you a song he had been working on for weeks on end. But, there was something off. His ebony black eyes looked lifeless, even more so than normal. He looked like he had something on his mind, something he was itching to say, yet not a sound escaped his lips. This had been going on for a couple of weeks now, and you were beginning to get rather sick of it.

"Hey, Sunny? Is something up, you seem mad at me or something."

"No, why would I be mad at you? You haven't done anything wrong," he hummed, placing his violin back in it's case and zipping it up.

"Well, you've been kinda distant recently, and I-"

"Am I upsetting you? My apologies, my dear, I've just been... thinking recently. I haven't been having a great sleep, what can I say?"

He chuckled a deep laugh at his own joke before continuing to pack up. You pursed your lips, wandering over and grabbing his shoulder, forcibly turning him around. He instinctively wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you in a fast hug. He was smiling softly. He didn't smile often.

"Sunny, you're worrying me. What have you been thinking about?"

"...It doesn't matter, let's just go out and have lunch," he muttered, his lips curling into a grimace.

"Well, it does, if it's making you seem as upset as you do. Can't you just... talk to me? Sometimes, you get so secretive, and I can't help but worry."

He shifted a little in his seat, as if he was thinking something over. Then, after a minute or two, he sat down, motioning for you to follow. You rested your head on his shoulder as he wrapped a protective arm around your waist.

"I don't know how I'm going to say this to you. It's hard to, you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"When..." He sighed heavily. "When Mari... When I lost Mari, I came up with a place. A perfect world, where it was just like we were kids again. Somewhere whimsical, magical... I didn't know what to call it, so I called it Headspace. And, that's where I go when I dream."

"...What's it like? Who's there?"

"Beautiful, bright, colourful... And, there are all sorts of quirky people there. You wouldn't believe me if I told you Captain Spaceboy was there. But... instead of like the real world, it's different. Everybody's younger, the same age as when... yeah."

"Is it scary?"

"Sometimes. Nothing all that terrifying."

"So why are you so bothered?"

He sighed, gently picking you up and holding you bridal-style. He pulled you close, his breath warm on your cheeks as he gave you a small kiss. "There's one thing that's off. When I'm there, I-I'm not bright and colourful. I'm black and white, and they call me Omori instead. Like the piano. A-and, there's something chasing me. It's black, with one eye. Just like..."

"...Just like Mari was that day," you finished his sentence, looking into his eyes that were welling with tears.

"That's been keeping me awake."

You wrapped your arms around him, giving him a tight hug and letting his tears stain the shoulder of your shirt. "It's okay, I'm here."

"I-it feels so real, YN."

"Don't worry. Everything's going to be okay. Everything," you reassured, your voice a whisper. He hadn't cried to you before. He hadn't been that emotional since Mari. You remembered how horrified everyone was, how horrified you were, and how everybody drifted apart other than you and Sunny.

"What did I do to deserve s-someone like you?"

"Everything," you repeated, placing your lips onto his gently and him placing his hands on your face to pull you closer. After you parted, he was quiet.

"I-I know I've been asking a lot of questions, but I have a couple more... Am I there?"

"You are," he responded, looking into your eyes with solemn adoration.

"What am I like?"

"Just as splendid, kind, and beautiful as you are now. As you were when we first met. As you were when we kissed in the treehouse for the first time on my birthday."

You both chuckled fondly at the memory. "You almost fell out of the window! Thank goodness for Hero, huh? I wouldn't have been strong enough to hold you."

"Well, you're strong to me."

"As you are to me. Sunny, you know you can tell me anything, right? If something's really bothering you, whether it's about Mari or anything else, tell me. Ok?"

His face seemed almost troubled, like there was something else, but he quickly stopped and smiled at you. "There's nothing else for now. I love you, YN. Let's just... Let's just be careful together, okay?"

You sat there in silence, alone together. There was something comforting about being there for one another, after everything that had happened, after it felt like the world fell down. And, together you sat passively for hours. Things began to feel as if they were looking up.

Woo this was a pretty old request, but one that I thought was cute, so I did it! Hope you enjoyed it, and let me know if you want more one-shots like this!
Read check time... 88.7k as of writing this! Y'all never cease to amaze me.
That's all for now! Catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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