another batch of omori headcanons

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my apologies my writing motivation has recently won a 5-star deluxe trip to venezuela and it probably won't be coming back for a lil bit so here's some more headcanons that i came up with in the middle of the night/in the middle of online classes

- During the times when Sunny left the house, Kel carried around some sort of protein bar because he knew that Sunny hadn't been taking care of himself properly.

- In order of tallest to shortest, it goes: Kel, Hero, Aubrey, Sunny, Basil.

- Basil plays the ukulele.

- Kel and Basil are coated head-to-toe in freckles.

- Aubrey had braces at one point.

- Hero took sword fighting/fencing at one point. Kel tried it out in hopes of dueling with his brother to bond, but he found it boring and quit after a month.

- Post bad-ending, Kel, Hero, Aubrey and Basil didn't see Sunny die, so they assumed he left to move. They later found out the truth when they contacted Sunny's mother to say hello a week or so later.

- Sunny and Basil didn't actually succeed in covering up Mari's death, because Sunny's parents found out. But, they thought only Sunny did it, and because they didn't want their son to be seen as a murderer, they played along. But, one day, his dad couldn't take it anymore, so his parents got a divorce.

- After everything got better again, Sunny decided to take up a different instrument because he still wanted to play something, but the violin was too hard.

- Basil has terrible eyesight, so he used to wear glasses, but he changed to contacts after he was bullied.

- Hero has the habit of scratching at his forearm when he gets stressed, but he bought a stress ball to try and stop it because he sometimes did it to the point of bleeding and it hurt.

- Aubrey carries around band-aids, just in case one of her gang members gets hurt.

- Basil can knit, and he makes scarves all the time.

- Post-game, Sunny's not a fan of steak, and it makes him kinda nauseous.

- When he was older (possibly in university or late high school), Kel started to do boxing just for fun, but he kept doing basketball cos it was his passion.

- Rococo ended up finding his way out of Sweetheart's Castle when she was 'hired' by the Slime Girls, and he became good friends with Captain Spaceboy because they bonded over their mutual hatred of Sweetheart.

- Sunny mentally narrates his life like he's the protagonist of a gag comedy series.

- Sunny ended up learning how to produce music and made and released the dream world boss themes as albums.

- Aubrey's a good singer with a powerful voice, but she's too shy to do it in front of people.

- Mari owned a plush cat called Mewo when she was younger, and she loved it to death That's why she named her cat Mewo.

- Aubrey ended up dying her hair purple once like how Mari wanted hers to be when they were talking about it as kids.

- Mari and Sunny can both speak Japanese, because their dad was Japanese and their mum was white.

- Mari and Sunny are both nicknames, and their full names are Marianne and Setsuna. Mari's nickname was given to her by her parents, but Sunny's used to be rarely used until they met Kel and Hero for the first time and Kel said his full name was difficult to say.

- When Kel was a little kid (anywhere between 1-7 years old), he couldn't pronounce 'ts' sounds, making them sound like 'th' of 'ff' sounds instead.

Hope you enjoyed these! It was kinda rushed, but headcanon-making is really fun haha
Thanks for 125k, you guys are still here for some reason and it's swag <3
That's all for now! Catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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