what you do during summer and winter holidays

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In summer, you guys go to the beach, get on your hands and knees and look for seashells. You both think they're beautiful, and he made you a bracelet at one point.

In winter, you sit indoors and drink hot chocolate while cuddling under piles of blankets. Sometimes, you can convince him to help make a pillow fort.

In summer, you have water gun fights together, and sometimes the others join. The battles always get intense, and it often ends in one of you tackling the other.

In winter, you venture to build the biggest snowman you guys can build! It takes a lot of effort, and sometimes you need help from other people.

In summer, you go to the beach and draw pictures in the sand. You drew portraits of each other, and Basil took photos of each picture. You kept them.

In winter, you roast marshmallows on your fireplace and watch movies. Sometimes, you grab blankets and camp out on the floor together.

In summer, you guys like to go swimming in the ocean. The amount of times he's appeared behind you on the jetty and shoved you in!

In winter, you bake lots of cookies together. And, I mean lots. After you're done, you go around and offer random strangers any leftovers.

In summer, you garden together and make each other flower crowns. He made you a crown out of lavenders, and you made him one out of sunflowers.

In winter, you cuddle under blankets and read until late at night. A few times, he's fallen asleep on top of you, so you both stayed there for the night.

In summer, you make various seasonal recipes for her picnics. You made her some lemonade at one point, and she liked it so much, she asked for the recipe.

In winter, you attempt to build forts in the snow to hide out in. You both sit there and chat until someone throws a snowball at you two, meaning you both fight back!

In summer, you sit in the shade and talk to each other while eating ice cream. You both sometimes doze off, though, so Basil or Mari take photos of you.

In winter, you knit him scarves and sweaters and he wears them whenever he can, giving you lots of very fuzzy hugs. You taught him how to knit too, and he's trying his best.

In summer, he attempts to teach you basketball. You try your best, and you get better each time, but you still mess up a lot. He finds it cute.

In winter, you have very intense snowball fights. You almost always manage to hit him square in the face, and he grabs you and body slams you into the snow.

In summer, you wander around and buy icy poles for each other. Occasionally you go to the beach and walk up and down the boardwalk, but not often.

In winter, you stay indoors and binge watch a new show. You have sleepovers so you can finish seasons, and you always fall asleep on her.

In summer, you go to the beach with both of you guys' friends. There's always chicken fights, and you two almost always win. You also nap together on the sand after.

In winter, he takes you ice skating, then out for hot drinks. He has a tendency to slip and fall on the ice, so you try to teach him how to do it properly, but most times, he takes you down too.

In summer, you visit the carnival. Basil takes some good photos every time! Basil also has a fear of clowns, so you protect him. He has a lot of nice photos of you from Ferris wheel rides.

In winter, you drink hot chocolate and cuddle under piles of blankets and in pillow forts. He plays with your hair as he falls asleep on instinct. He gets kinda embarrassed about it, though.

This prompt was so fun to come up with ideas for! I want to do all of these, not gonna lie. Have some wholesome fun with these guys and forget about all the death and stuff these guys had to suffer through~!
That's it! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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