first kisses

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When you were watching the sunset in the junkyard together. It took him by surprise, but he quite liked it. A few minutes later, you rested your head on his shoulder, and he gave you a peck on the forehead while wrapping his arm around you.

When he ran all the way to your house in the pouring rain. After you invited him in and got him a change of clothes, he continued to give you small kisses for the rest of the night, either on the cheek, nose, or forehead, often followed by a whisper of "I love you".

When you were stargazing on your first date, she rolled over and kissed you. You were a bit of a stammering mess afterwards, so she apologised with a laugh before grabbing your hand and rubbing her thumb over it, looking back to the sky.

When you were at work, Hero came over to buy some more ingredients for his baking. After a few minutes of banter, Kel yelled at him to come back, so he leaned over the counter and gave you a kiss. You could hear as the others shouted excitedly at him while they were walking off.

When you were cooking dinner on your first date, he accidentally cut himself with a knife. So, you got him a tissue and a band-aid, and after that, you gave him a big kiss to take his mind off of the pain. Well... It worked. After dinner, he gave you a peck on the cheek as well.

When you were playing hide and seek on your first date. You couldn't find her, so you continued to search. Then, she jumped out and tackled you, planting a quick kiss on your lips as you both landed on the cattails. She laughed at your red face, because it stayed for the rest of the night.

When you were in front of your house and saying goodbye to each other after your first date. He shuffled around a little before he kissed you. After you parted, you stared at him for a second. His face looking like fresh life jam, he bolted down the street and out of view in embarrassment.

When you and the others were playing an intense game of truth or dare. Aubrey had dared Kel to kiss you, so kiss you he did. He admittedly was a little reluctant because he was unsure you'd give your consent to, but after you said yes, he gave you a smooch. Everyone got quite excited.

When you and the gang were hanging out at the park. You were all just about to go home, but she called you over, gave you a kiss and then she sped away on her bike. You messaged her a kiss emoji when you got back home, and she reluctantly sent back a small loveheart.

When you were at the beach one day. He had picked you up and thrown you into the water off of the jetty, much to your shock. He jumped in after you, so you grabbed onto his arm to steady yourself. So, with a smile, he leaned in and gave you a kiss.

When he was taking a photo of a flower, he turned back to apologise for stopping so often. No matter how much you forgave him, he didn't stop, so you silenced him with a smooch. After you pulled away, he took a second, then he kissed you again happily.

i'm running out of ideas so i'm reading some tmnt x reader scenarios for ideas, i don't know anYthing about tmnt what am i doing with my life
please, i beg, give me ideas
i was thinking about in-depth oneshots about your first dates, would you want that? cos i'd be happy to deliver
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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