thank you :)

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Hello, beautiful trash gremlins of mine!

Some of you guys have probably predicted this coming for a while, but I feel like it's finally time for this book to end. I still love Omori, don't get me wrong, but the interest has died down a little for me. Updating this fic has gotten a little taxing recently. I still love to write, and I'm 100% not planning to quit the fanfiction scene any time soon, but my life's gotten a lot busier lately, and I don't have enough time to balance updates with all of the work I need to do anymore. Writing this fic feels a lot more chore-like now, so they updates have decreased in quality and upload frequency. I don't want to churn out tons of content that doesn't make me feel passionate anymore, and you guys don't deserve low-quality writing.

But, I appreciate those of you who have been here through this journey. I'll still read and reply to comments, and I still appreciate every one of my readers, from before and after this note's upload. If you like my work, then I'd appreciate if you stop by my page and have a read of my other writing! And, if you want, you can follow. I'm always willing to accept any more children into my family! This is totally not a plug of my page, what're you talking about? And who knows? Maybe this is less of a goodbye, more of a see you soon! If I ever take the notion again, I may put out more chapters later.

Alright, that's all for now! Hopefully I can catch ya on the flip side again soon, trash gremlins! I love you!
- Trashbag <3

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