if, hypothetically, yn was a twitch streamer

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He'd sometimes come over and join in your streams, other times he just likes to watch them. Often you're unaware that he's watching, but he just likes to watch you do what you do. And, if you can coax him out of his shell, then he likes to play games with you (to your viewers' delight).

He interrupts your streams on purpose all the time. He gets the notification and he comes running. He often likes to sit with you, play two player games, and participate in YLYL challenges, because he thinks he's good at it (he is not, he loses at the dic meme (at the top of this chapter) every time). He also flexes that you're dating all the time.

She never realises you're streaming, but she comes in anyway and just talks to you. She only really stays if you're doing something more wholesome, like an innocent game like Stardew Valley or watching some kind of cute video. It gets a little too much for her if you're doing anything gory or violent.

He's in a surprising amount of your streams and videos! You've done cooking videos with him before, and you've forced him into some extremely stupid challenges (hero in drag was an experience). Also, he's the best human pillow to bury your face in if you're doing/watching/playing something scary. Also, spider pranks.

He doesn't really join your streams, but he likes to watch them from a distance. He also loves to help you set up things like your background, cameras, etc. You let him have a vase on the desk to place flower arrangements in, and you show them off at the start of every stream. There have been fan-made compilations of you talking about him and his arrangements on YouTube.

She sometimes sits in, but she doesn't do much other than sit there. She still wants you to have the things you do without her so you can have your alone time, but sometimes she just likes to sit in, off camera the majority of the time, but when you invite her to, she joins you. And, the fans love your relationship and how cute you are.

He's essentially just a catboy. He sits there quietly (often on your lap), and you can play with his hair as he gets in the way. He often just holds onto your arm and watches you do whatever you're doing. Also, upon viewer request and the hitting of sub goals, you've put cat ears on him a couple times, resulting in a lot of fanart.

He breaks into your room through your window, pretending he's unaware that you're streaming, when in reality, he knows from the notifications. He often just sits in the background, screeching 'TWITCH PRIME!!' at any interval he can, but he sometimes convinces you to play something 2-player. Your viewers love it, and they often ask where he is if he's not there.

She doesn't come in often, but when she does, she watches you play, pointing out sassy remarks every five minutes, or she takes part in games/challenges. She also loves to react to things with you, and she's made you watch quite a lot of videos that make literally no sense, but she just likes to see your face.

He's not one to join you often, he knows you need privacy, but he sometimes comes in with homemade snacks and/or meals, making both your viewers and collaborators jealous because of how good it looks. He also makes sure you take breaks if you're riled up and he always fills up your water, making you drink if you're not. Energy drinks and soda don't count.

He never comes in when you're streaming. Never. But, he likes to watch your videos, and he sometimes sends you a message to check in or see if you're struggling with an aspect of a game he knows the answer to. And, as soon as you're done, he comes to check in and visit you. You sometimes mention him, but you just say 'my boyfriend' to keep his privacy.

He does too! You both collaborate all the time, so much so that you basically share channels. Everyone knows you're a couple, and they all think you're extremely cute. You often just play games with one another, but sometimes you do just talking videos or YLYL challenges, which he's extremely good at.

It's Sweetheart, come on. Of course she takes any chance she can to be in front of a camera. When you let her, she likes to sit in with you, chat, and sometimes play games. You've tried to teach her how to game and Twitch terminology, and she's not great yet, but she's determined to be good at everything, so she still tries.

i don't remember who commented this request but i remember they said "what if, hypothetically, yn was a twitch streamer", so that's the reason for the 'hypothetically' jammed into the title
(also the dic thing is a kel kinnie moment of mine lol)
thank you all for 190k!! we're getting unbelievably close to 200k, i'm mind blown fr <3
(and i said that i'd do a simple qna out of boredom, so ask away lmao)
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag

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