first dates: omori

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You were standing in front of the doorway. It was a bright white, like everything else. You didn't know what you were expecting. It was an almost... intimidating sight to you.

"Hey, YN?" Omori asked, standing behind you cautiously. "Are you sure you're alright with this?"

You took a deep breath before nodding a little. He looked at you before twisting the handle and pulling the tall door open.

What greeted you was... Beautiful was an understatement. A world of rainbow. You had never seen anything so... vibrant before.

"Omori... What's the name of this colour?"

He jogged over to the singular bean on a plate that you were looking at. Your attention was fully on the bean. He smiled softly behind you. "That's brown. And that cat is yellow, and that melon is green on the outside, but then, if you break it open, it's red; like the drawings in my sketchbook."

You looked around in fascination, asking what colours different things were with a delighted look on your face. But, after a while, Omori grabbed your hand. He was freezing cold, as normal.

"It's not just this, you know. Come on, I have to show you something."

After he dragged you outside, you were greeted with the noise of people playing and laughing. The grass felt unnatural underneath your feet. Well, you didn't know it was grass at first, and you jumped at the unfamiliar feeling. Omori rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand gently and reassuringly.

"This is grass. It's the colour green, and it won't hurt you. It actually feels fairly soft. And, this place is called the playground. This is where I meet up with my friends and sister."

"...Grass, huh?" you mumbled, relaxing a little and walking forwards before stopping in your tracks. "Wait, you have a sister?"

"Well, yes. Would you like to meet them?"

"Of course!"

After all introductions were made, Omori lead you away so you could wander to your next location: Orange Oasis. It was bright, hot, and full of people. The 'sand' was sticky and sweet. The sun was shining brightly, and you both were beginning to feel a bit too warm for your liking. So, off to the Frozen Lake with you!

You took a seat on the old wooden bridge, right where Omori told you to wait. You stared down over the frozen lake happily. You were enjoying yourself with him.

Just as the thought of his smile crossed your mind again, he sat down next to you, passing you a cone full of snow.

"...What's this?"

"It's called a sno-cone. You eat it. You can buy them with sno-cone tickets. They're hard to come across, though."

"Really? Then how'd you get these?" you asked in fascination, cautiously taking a bite.

He blushed a little, not meeting your eyes as he answered. "I... I might have been saving them up for today."

You smiled widely, gripping onto his free hand. He glanced up to the sky and stiffened slightly.

"What's wrong, Omori?"

"There's one last thing I have to show you for today. Come on, we're running late as it is."

He yanked you up by your arm, making you both almost drop your sno-cones. You both ran and ran until you were completely and utterly sure that you wouldn't be able to feel your legs. You found yourself in a junkyard.

"Alright, I want you to close your eyes when you climb this, ok?" Omori asked carefully, clambering up the short ladder. "I'll hold your sno-cone for now."

You did as he asked, carefully working your way up the small ladder. When you were finally at the top, Omori took your hands and helped you. He told you to keep your eyes closed, and you could hear as he rustled around for a few minutes.

"Alright... now open."

You opened your eyes carefully to see what you assumed to be the most beautiful thing you had ever witnessed. There was an old couch... surrounded by tires. But, what really caught your eye was the array of nice candles around the place, and a beautiful, vibrant sunset. The different, warm colours danced around the sky, reaching each and every inch of your vision. You were breathless as you looked back to the black and white boy, who had put on a red, clip-on bow tie. He beckoned for you to join him in sitting on the rickety couch.

"Did..." you whispered. "Did you do this?"

"Well... yes. I didn't choose to put this bow tie on, though. Kel owes me 50 clams now." He ripped off the red bow tie and threw it into one of the junk piles. That made you chuckle.

The sun was shifting lower in the sky, letting the environment of the junkyard slowly become shrouded in darkness, other than the candlelit patch that surrounded the couch.

"Oh my, this is... beautiful," you mumbled up at the sky in bewilderment.

"...That's not the only thing that's beautiful here," Omori replied, gazing at your wide eyes with a love-struck simper. He loved your eyes. They were always so full of wonder. The truth was... Omori hadn't taken a single glance at the sunset. He just stared at you. He wished he could stare at you for the rest of his life. But, he knew that it would be impossible, so he made the most of it when he could.

You looked back, a flustered blush on your face. And then, you did something that poor Omori didn't expect: you planted your lips carefully onto his. He stiffened... but after a while, he relaxed into it, wrapping an arm around your torso.

 After you pulled apart, you both giggled a little, and you rested your head on his shoulder. He was still slightly shocked as he ran a hand through his hair. "...Wow."

"Ah, I'm sorry, was I coming on too strong?"

"No... No. That was nice. And if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to do it again some time. I mean, as in all of this. I had fun. Are you having fun? Because if not, that's alri-" You covered his mouth with your hand, a wide smile on your face.

"Of course I'd like to do it again sometime. This has been fun."

And, as you both relaxed again and watched the sky, he placed a gentle, loving kiss onto your forehead. He was truly lucky to have you.

Alright, first date oneshot is done!
So, in today's A/N, I have two things to address.
And, the second thing is that I may be posting a little bit more infrequently, because my holidays are gonna be over in a couple of days. I'm disappointed, because I'm not gonna have as much time to write for all you wonderful simps, and I have to go back and face a ton of people, so physical and emotional exhaustion due to high levels of anxiety let's go ✌️✌️✌️ But, I promise you all that I'm gonna still be posting! I love writing, and you bet that I'm not gonna give this up for quite some time! I just won't post as often. So, my apologies, and I hope you guys can forgive me.
I think that's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag <3

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