how they'd react if yn flirts with them (example sentences)

8.6K 163 198

"...Oh, you're flirting-"
"I-I uh... I didn't- didn't- eh?"
"Aww. You're so sweet."

"You're flirting with me, aren't you? Well, *proceeds to aggressively flirt back*"
"Hehehe, thank you! And, I mean it when I say I can say the same."
"*aggressive smooches*"

"Aww! Thanks, YN! You're so sweet~"
"I-I mean... Geez, you're always so cute."
"*uncontrollable giggling*"

"I-I mean.. I don't- I don't know how you'd... err... I-I mean-"
"You charm me with your words, my darling."
"*begins to aggressively sing YN a song by The Beatles*"

"*stammering (this dude be spitting some sick bars)*"
"A-ah... ᵗ⁻ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ"

"Ahaha, I love you."
"Oh... Oh! Thank you!"
"Well, *flirts back*"

"*doesn't know what to say*"
"I-I mean, you shouldn't be flirting with me. If anything... I should be the one to flirt with you, right? You're obviously more beautiful, anyway."
"...You flatter me, my love."

"W-whoa, you're flirting with me for once? But, I can't deny that it's a welcome change, doll."
"You're so adorable, I love you so much."
"*vigorous cooing*"

"Uh- YN, y-you..."
"Ugh, you're so dumb..."
"Geez... stop it. (she doesn't mean it)"

"You're such a sweetheart, angel."
"Ahaha, thank you, darling."
"I love youuuu."

"*stammers so hard he accidentally recreates the fast part in rap god by eminem*"
"W-why are you flirting with me? This is s-so embarrassing..."
"I- Uh... wow..."

"Ahaha, thank you, starlight."
"Oh, no, no, no, you may flatter me, but you truly are the one who should be flattered."
"I love you more than the entire universe. Never forget that, ok?"

"Oh? You're flirting with me? Well, of course you are, it's me!"
"Ohohoho! I sometimes find you sweeter than me!"
"...Thank you, it means a lot more coming from you."

Woo this one's cute 🥰
Thank you for 78k!! It means the world!
And as of writing this, we're at #4 in the tag 'scenarios' out of over 11k!! (it used to be #3 but it's still so hype) Holy crap this is amazing!
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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