first dates: hero

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You looked yourself up and down in the bathroom mirror. You admittedly dressed up a little; you hadn't been on a date since high school.

"YN, you look great!" your roommate, who everybody called Trashbag, called out to you, not taking her eyes off of her Nintendo Switch.

"You say that, but do you think he'll think so?"

"I know so! He's so in love with you, NN, trust me. I'd leak our messages, but for privacy's sake, I'll just say that he's liked you for quiiiiite a while."

"You have his number?!"

"Of course, I have everyone's!"

"Trashbag, seriously," you groaned as you stepped out of the bathroom. "Does this colour suit me, or should I change?"

She looked you up and down and smiled. "Seriously, you look beautiful! He'll be slobbering at your feet if you don't turn the celestial being level down- Oh, he's here!"

She was interrupted by a knock at the door. You took a deep breath and stepped forwards, opening it up, and sure enough, Hero was there, wearing a button-up shirt and jeans, a singular red rose in his hands. His breath hitched a little as he stared at you in amazement. He was stunned. Absolutely stunned. He never ever thought he'd be so infatuated with a person.

"Wow... YN, you... I-I mean, I got you this." He carefully reached over and tucked the flower behind your ear, making you blush. "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Trashbag waddled over. She was wearing a baggy shirt and pyjama pants still; she looked messy as she smiled at Hero. "Hey man, get 'em home by 1:30 latest... I'm kidding, kidding. But, seriously, if you're staying longer, YN, gimme a call, don't want you to get axe murdered or something."

"What makes you think I'd murder someone so beautiful?"

"Fair. Alright, have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

You both made your way down the hallway in uncomfortable silence at first. "So, Hero... Where are we headed?"

"Just to Gino's down the road. I hope that's alright, we can go somewhere else if you don't like Italian-"

"No, I like Gino's. And I thought I was tense," you joked, making him chuckle.

Eventually, you made it to Gino's, where Hero had reserved a table. You both sat down and attempted to start a conversation.

"So, YN, tell me about yourself. Where did you come from? How did you get here?"

"Well," you mumbled, trying to think back. "I lived in (home town) all my life, but I decided to move up here for university, because here, it's easier to get my dream job. What about you?"

"Well, I lived in Faraway with my younger brother, Kel, and my parents. I wanted to go into cooking, but my parents wanted me to be a doctor, so I could 'help people'. Hmm... My girlfriend at the time... died an unfortunate death... so I studied harder to go to medical school. After a bit of negotiation, though, I managed to convince them to let me change my major, so I'm back here, working hard to become a chef."

"Wow... I'm so sorry about your girlfriend, I feel bad now..." you mumbled uncomfortably.

"Oh... It's alright. Sure, I think of her often, she was one of my best friends... but I have to move on, you know? And I'm doing that, I'm getting there. It's what she would have wanted. What Mari would have wanted." He smiled sadly at you. Luckily, the tension was broken by the waitress coming in to serve you your food. A few minutes later, you had both relaxed around each other, laughing and joking around. You were worried the restaurant would kick you out because you were being too loud.

"Okay, okay," you said through fits of giggles. "One totally random fact about yourself."

"My real name's Henry, but they call me Hero because of my love for hero sandwiches. What about you, something random about you!"

"My first kiss was with a kid called Roddy... and he was my best friend's boyfriend. I was, like, ten at the time, though, so she was fine with it."

"Damn," he mumbled a little.

"What's wrong?"

"I was hoping I'd take your first kiss."

"Well, you can take my first kiss in university, if you're lucky."

After you had argued over who would pay (deciding that you'd split the bill), you wandered back to Hero's dorm together, where you sat down on his bed together.

"D'you wanna watch a movie? I have Netflix on my laptop."

"Sounds like a plan."

After about an hour and a half of La La Land, you began to get slightly sleepy, resting your head on his chest. It was comfortable, and you could hear as his pulse fastened. He was brave enough to run his fingers through your hair, placing a kiss on the back of the hand which he was holding.

"You can fall asleep if you want, YN. I'll wake you later."


He carefully closed the laptop, laying down so you could nap comfortably. "Is this better, dear?"

"Did you just call me dear?"

"Was that not okay? I-I'm sorry-"

"No, I liked it. I've had fun, Hero."

He smiled softly at you as you nuzzled in closer to his body. "That's good to know."

What's this? Double update?? I hope you liked this one, I had a lot of fun with it (kel and hero simp go brr).
And... Author cameo, I couldn't help myself. I dub myself a recurring character, as YN's roommate!
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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