when you catch them crying

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He doesn't cry often, but he tries to hide it from you when he does. He has a tendency to go full edge and yell at you to go away, but if you don't leave, he breaks down and sobs on the floor. Then, he demands hugs.

He'll just sob into your arms as you cuddle together. If he's really upset, he'll wear himself out from crying so hard and he'll fall asleep, sometimes mumbling something and curling up to you.

If she's crying, she'll deny that she is. She'll immediately suck in her tears and wipe off her face. Then, she'll find a task to distract herself with. When you confront her about it, she'll open up to you very quickly, and in one breath. Then, you hug her as she lets it out.

Because he's 'the mature one', he finds a place to sneak off to. When you see he hasn't come back, you go to see what's wrong and notice that he's softly sobbing. He'll look up at you, beckon you to sit with him, and then you'll talk it out together.

Basil goes to the bathroom to cry, and then comes back later. If you notice that he was crying, he'll cry harder, not able to communicate what's wrong to you. If you don't, then he'll distract himself by spending time with you.

Mari doesn't cry all that much. But, when she does, it's not a lot. She often laughs it off, but if she's feeling nervous, then she'll talk it out with you, and she encourages you to do the same when you're sad.

When he cries, he just stands there and shakes. He despises to be touched when he's crying, so you leave and give him some space so he can practice the exercises he was taught by Mari. When he comes back, he gives you a hug with a shaky sigh.

He won't make that big a deal out of it... but he makes an effort to be as quiet as he possibly can be. If you notice, he'll pretend that he didn't know. But, if you see past his lie, he jokes about it before explaining why very badly.

If you point out that she's crying, she'll yell at you as loud as she can, then she'll apologise and break down. 8/10 times she wants you to leave, but sometimes she likes to hold your hand until she isn't sad anymore.

Hero doesn't cry often, but when he does, he releases a few months of pent up feelings all at once, bawling his eyes out. When he's like that, he doesn't want you to leave him, so you stay by his side until he feels better, talking it out and giving him attention.

First of all, if someone made him cry, you'd go and have a 'friendly chat' with them. Then, you'd ask him what's wrong and cradle him in your arms. As you're talking, you make a point to shower him with compliments because (even though he doesn't say it), it makes him feel happy.

When he cries, he hides in his bed. You get him things like food and water, and you sometimes cuddle under the covers. You play with his hair, and he likes it when you sing to him (it's his favourite method for making him feel better).

She's overly dramatic when in public, but when you're alone, she's a lot more sensitive. She politely asks you (something you've been working on together) to get her a warm drink, and then, you brush her hair as she spills everything like you're teenagers at a slumber party.

uh... thanks for 36k, y'all are poggers
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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