bready for anything: unbread twins x reader

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Story: YN has a couple of admirers.


You sat on the sacks of flour, kicking your legs back and forth passively and stirring a bowl of batter. Your attention wasn't on the world around you, but a certain set of twins were having a whispered conversation, hunching over their desk.

"This is not up for discussion, brother."


"I know, but now isn't the time." Doughie was a little frustrated, gesturing with her hands. "I like YN, now back off."

"Ohooooooo." Biscuit's brows furrowed. "Ohooooooooo."

"What did you say about them?"

"Doughie? Biscuit? What're you doing over there?" you queried, making them both snap up and turn to you, their faces falling to ones more passive.

"Nothing... Just baking bread... Fresh bread... Fresh bread... Fresh bread..."

"Ok... Well, I just wanted to tell you that my cake batter's done!"

"...Cake?" she asked, her brother matching her confused expression. "What's a cake?"

"You don't know what cake is?"


"You've never left this place, right." You paused a little, trying to figure out how to explain it easily. "Well, it's sorta like... a sweet bread! But, it's softer, and you put a sugary mix called icing on top."

"We're here to make fresh bread... We've always made fresh bread."

"You should try to lighten up for once and do something different. What's stopping you?"

They both paused, thinking over the idea while you searched for a pan to lay your batter in. After they slipped out of their trance, Biscuit noticed you were struggling. Taking the opportunity to dunk on his sister, he wandered over to you and pulled the pan off of the shelf you couldn't reach, placing it into your hands.

"Oh! Thanks!" 

Your smile made him red in the face, and he smiled back, just a little. "O-ohooooo..."

"You should smile more often, it looks good on you!"

As you turned around to start scraping the batter into the pan, he looked Doughie dead in the eyes and smirked. She curled her mouth into a snarl for a split second, before straightening herself out and wandering over to your side, watching you smooth out the top of the cake.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure the top of the cake's gonna be smooth."


"It helps with the icing, silly!" you chuckled. "You guys really don't get out that much, do you?"

"Ohooo... We've been here since the inception of the universe..."

"Damn, that sounds lonely."

"No, we have the bread... Fresh bread..." she muttered, zoning out a little as you grabbed her hand.

"Loaves of bread aren't very good friends," you told her matter-of-factly. "But hey, you've got me!"

She also began to blush, a gentle grin on her face that made Biscuit, who was standing behind you, widen his eyes in shock and disappointment. "I'd say this calls for a group hug, don't you think?" you said, pulling them both into a tight embrace. They hugged along, but they still glared at one another.

"I'm gonna get them."


After you parted, you stuck the cake into the oven, ready for it to bake. Checking the time, you cursed a little. "I think this cake is gonna have to be icingless, I really have to go. I'll show you both icing next time, yeah?"



"Ok, goodbye, you two!" Just before you left, you planted a small kiss onto the cheek of both, making them turn bright with surprise. "I'll see you when I see you!"

After you left, they both fell onto the flour bags with exhaustion, and a hint of disappointment. "Neither of us have a chance."


"I guess that makes us even."


"We should get back to work. Fresh bread... Fresh bread... Fresh bread..."

The truth was this: you already knew. You knew they both had crushes on you. It was blatantly obvious. And, no matter how hard it was to decide, you also knew who you'd choose.

Clearly, it was...

alright i finally wrote for the unbread twins y'all can shut up /j (i was putting it off cos i didn't know them very well but after some intense research i can state that imo biscuit is kinda cute lmao)
pick a twin, either twin! i wanted to leave this one up to you all
thanks for 186k lol <3
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag

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