please don't go: yandere!omori x reader

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Story: omori breaks into yn's house and acts creepy ig
(warning for mentions of murder/death, disappearance, violence, light cursing, and possible abusive relationships)


You woke up feeling dizzy. That wasn't all that abnormal for you, but it was a different kind. A horrible kind. You felt bile in the back of your throat pooling. And, the warmth by your side was enough to make you startle.

"Finally awake, my dear? I have to say, I'm kind of disappointed, you're so adorable when you're sleeping."

YN became afraid.

"O-Omori! What're you doing here?"

"What, can't I come over and say hello?"

"Maybe a little warning w-would be nice," you chuckled fearfully, shuffling away a little. You didn't know him all that well. You only really knew him from seeing him around. You've talked a couple of times, but he stared at you uncomfortably every time you've seen him around. The aura he radiated was threatening. You didn't know what was up with him. "I'm not really that up to talking at the moment, I-I'm sorry. I've been going through a bit."

"Ah, you mean the others, don't you?"

You were hanging out with one of your best friends, Kel, a few days ago. But, when he left that night, he had left seemingly for good. You hadn't seen him since. And, the same thing happened with Aubrey a few weeks prior, and Basil a few weeks before her. Hero had gone looking for them all, and he was reported missing too last night. It was like all of your friends had been dropping off like flies, and that hit rather hard.


YN became sad.

"Ah, what a shame."

You hummed a little, shuffling back a little more. "You're not... sad? You seemed really close."

"Sad? Me? No."

OMORI became happy.

"Wh-why??" You made an attempt to push yourself up, but it'd only just occurred to you that your wrists were bound together with a skipping rope, causing stinging burns to form as you struggled. "Hey!! What the hell have you done to me??"

YN became afraid.

He pulled you closer, closing his eyes and taking a moment to savour your presence. When you fought against his grasp, he pulled a rusted steak knife out from behind his back, holding the back of the blade to your throat and making your breath hitch in the back of your throat.

"Because there's nobody left to get in our way now."

OMORI became manic.

"You're a sick bastard, you know that?" you yelled out of your window, which was open a crack from where he broke in.

"All because of you." His wide smile and mad eyes contrasted from his usual serious demeanour. "YN, you've set a fire in my heart. It burns, and it hurts, but I guess it's a good kind of pain. If it wasn't, then why haven't I stopped it yet?"

He carefully lowered the knife, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. It tasted sour.

"Everything I've done, I've done it for you. I'll make sure nobody gets in our way. Not Kel, not Aubrey, not Basil, not Hero, not even Mari."

"You're crazy."

"I'd prefer the term devoted, but crazy can work too."

YN became stressed out.

With a bit of effort, you managed to struggle out of his grip and run to the door, slamming your body against it repeatedly in hopes you'd be able to break the door down. But, you could feel your arm swelling and bruising. Omori walked over to you, pressing the blade into the wood next to you and taking your hands in his own. And, as you could hear and see the red and blue sirens outside your window, he leaned in and whispered to you.

OMORI became furious.

"Please don't go."

friendly reminder yandere relationships are extremely toxic :)
just a short thing for now! thanks for your requests, everybody!
thank you all sm for 163k reads! you're probably sick of my thanking you all buuut i'm still amazed every day.
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag

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