under the mistletoe + what presents they get you

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He'd be extremely embarrassed at first, but he'd still give you a small kiss on the cheek. After that, you'd give him another kiss, and he'd spend the rest of the night extremely happy.

He got you a plush black cat. He insists it's nothing much, but it reminded him of Mewo, who was the reason you first met.

He would have planned the whole thing. Strapping a stick to a headband and dangling a piece from the stick using some string, he would pull it out and give you multiple kisses at a random time.

He got you a bracelet, the charm being your favourite colour. He got one to match, so it'd be 'clear that [you] are dating'.

She'd give you a small smooch and tell you after. A lot of the time you're both so oblivious to it that someone like Kel has to point it out to both of you.

She got you a new sketchbook and some supplies. She knows how much you like art, so she got you something you'd use.

He'd carry some around in his pocket and hold it above your head every time he wants a kiss. He's also taller, so you can't escape. And, being the Casanova he is, he'd map out where it's hung up so he can take whatever chances he can get.

He got you a bunch of roses and a necklace. He also made your favourite dessert, but he's saving it for later.

He'd go into a slight panic mode, but he'd lean in and give you a short kiss before running away from beneath it in embarrassment. He's still a little nervous about kissing you in public, but he's getting used to it slowly.

He got you a collection of photos of the memories you've shared stuck into a photo album. He spent a lot of time on it!

She'd let you know you're beneath mistletoe, ask if you're ok with it, and kiss you when you've given the all clear. She'd be extremely red-faced and giggly afterwards, because she's actually a bit nervous about it.

She got you a book you like/have been looking at. She got a copy for herself, so you can talk about it together.

He'd give you a short peck and then just stand there. He'd probably avoid eye contact for a second, and his face would be so hot that you could toast marshmallows over it. Then, he'd hold your hand when you both wander away to do something else.

He got you a CD of your favourite band/artist. He's working towards getting his license, so you can play it on drives one day.

Homeboy would poorly tape a bunch to a cap and follow you around. He'd take the opportunity to give you a lot of small kisses all over your face, and he'd be hyper as hell after it because he's so happy.

He got you a new plushie and one of his jumpers. He thought it would be cute to do something similar to that one date.

She'd probably freeze up, give you a small kiss, and bolt. Or, alternatively, if she's more comfortable, give you an extremely big kiss, grab your hand and wander off together. There's no inbetween.

She got you a painting she did. She's been using her love for graffiti to make art, so she made you a special picture.

He'd give you a whole cinematic kiss thing; he'd definitely play some cheesy romantic music in the background as a joke. But, he'd be a little flustered after still because he's still amazed that he has the best partner ever.

He got you a bunch of flowers and an annotated copy of your favourite novel. He worked hard to make it absolutely perfect.

He'd be very, very panicky, so he'd give you a small kiss on the lips and, I kid you not, zoom away to get a drink at the speed of Usain Bolt. He'd apologise for running after, but he's still a little shy.

He got you a plant that reminds him of you and a sunflower in matching handmade pots. Sentimental value, you know.

He'd give you a kiss, and be extremely happy about it. It'd be like he's been waiting to mistletoe kiss you the whole year (he has), and he'd loudly scream 'YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS LET'S GOOOOOOOO' immediately afterwards.

He got you a space colony. I'm kidding, he actually just named a star system after you. And, he hosted the best date there.

She'd kiss you a lot. She's the mistress of 'a bunch of small kisses all over your face'. Even though a lot of the time she's a little nervous to make the first move, it puts her in a good mood to give you a kiss.

She got you... well, literally anything you want. She asked you what you wanted most of all, and she made sure you got it.

happy holidays, everybody!! and thank you for 206k, best holiday gift ever imo (and we've also hit #69 under the tag 'hero' hehe nice)
sorry it's kinda short, my family and i have a lot of preparation for this coming weekend. but, i hope you all have a fantastic holidays! :)
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag

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