first dates: (dream) hero

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You paced back and forth carefully. You tried to be careful: you had put on a nice outfit in preparation for the date, and Hero had told you that he was going to pick you up for the date he had planned. But, admittedly, you were nervous. But, just as you were about to spiral into negative thoughts, there was a knock on the door.

It was Hero, who had put on a nicer white dress shirt and pants, with a navy blue tie. His face was red, and what was most noticeable was the fact that he had a small bouquet of pink peony flowers in his hands. He looked you up and down, and smiled widely.

"...Wow. Looking at you... I realise now that I'm pretty lucky. You're beautiful."

"O-oh! Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself. Can I get a vase for those?"

"Sure!" You both made your way inside, and you grabbed a vase and filled it with water. "Basil let me prune these from his garden. I asked him what flowers to get for you, and he told me that pink peonies are most commonly associated with romance, prosperity, and bashfulness. Some even believe they're a lucky charm, bringing good fortune to whoever receives them."

"And you believe him?" you asked, carefully placing the bunch into the vase and putting it onto your table.

"Well, yeah! Not everything's as it seems here, you know. Now come on, our date awaits!"

He carefully took your hand in his own as you both wandered deeper into Vast Forest. His hand was warm, strong, and coated in various scars out of their many battled and from injuries while cooking. Then, you eventually both stopped, and he stood proudly.

"...A cave?"

"Not just any cave! C'mere!"

He carefully pulled you into the cave, making sure you wouldn't trip over any stray rocks or roots. And, there was everything you expected from a cave. It was dirty. There was dirt everywhere. Rocks all over the place. But, one thing stood out: the golden door, with a golden hero sandwich on top of it. You both carefully wandered over to the door, and Hero leaned in to whisper something to the set of eyes through the slot. And a few seconds later, it swung open.

It was what appeared to be a club. There was a stage, a jukebox, a bar, and some other seating areas. You wondered how you both were allowed to get in, considering there was a creature who appeared to be serving... non child appropriate beverages. You both took a seat at the bar.

"...How did you even get in here?" you asked, looking around again. The place was full of people.

"It's a long story, really. But, welcome to Club Sandwich! Don't worry, I get along with the people here. If any of them give you trouble, let me know," he reassured, giving you a thumbs up. "Now, what would you like to drink?"


"Nothing alcoholic, obviously."

"Well, if I'm getting a drink, I'll pay for it myself."

"No you won't. I'm gonna get it for you, I insist."

"...Fine," you sighed, a small smile on your face as you rolled your eyes. "I'll take a grape soda, if that's alright."

"Pardon me, Reuben? Can we get two grape sodas and two hero sandwiches here, please?" Hero called to the creature behind the bar, named Reuben, who glanced back and forth between you two then nodded.

"Hero sandwiches?" you asked, stirring the soda around in the wine glass that Reuben had poured your drinks into.

"Yeah, they make the best hero sandwiches here!" He blushed a little as he looked to the floor. "I actually got my nickname from my love of hero sandwiches, hehe..."

"Wait, your nickname? I thought you were just called Hero!"

"Yeah, Hero's just my nickname."

"Well, what's your real name?" you questioned him, poking his arm excitedly. He chuckled more.

"Fine, I'll tell you, just don't... make fun of me or anything." He grabbed your arm and pulled you in so he could whisper to you. His voice was warm. "...I-it's Henry. My real name is Henry."

"Henry, huh?" You could see the nervousness in his eyes as you paused, which made you smile. "...You're pretty lucky that I like it."

After you had both finished your meals and drinks (which were amazing, by the way), he disappeared into the crowd. You could hear as the song changed to one a lot more... danceable. It was some old love song, one that you knew that you had heard before, but you had repressed it into the deepest darkest corner of your memory. He wandered back to you, taking your hand and placing a small kiss on the back. "M-may I ask for a dance with you?"

"...Fine. Keep in mind, I'm not all that good at this."

"I'm not either. But, there's no harm in trying!"

You both made your way to the dance floor, amongst various other couples who were swaying to the beat. He pulled you in closer, wrapping his arms around your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck.

"Geez... I haven't heard this song in so long," he chuckled, humming along.

"You know this song?"

"Yeah. Kel and I used to listen to it all the time when we were younger. I still remember it clear as day..."

As you moved closer to rest your head on his chest, he sang along softly. His voice was silky and deep. It made you feel relaxed. You closed your eyes as he looked down at you with a smile. He liked to have you in his arms. It made him feel as if he could protect you from... everything. All of life's challenges and fears.

After the song ended, you both decided that you would go on a walk. The Vast Forest felt different at night: a lot colder, a lot emptier, stuff like that. You both sat down at the base of a tree together, resting. Hero's tie had come undone, and he let it rest limply. You could feel it as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"I'm getting kinda tired," you yawned, closing your eyes.

"Yeah, me too," he added, running his fingers through your hair gently. It was relaxing you more. You felt like you could fall asleep then and there. "...Tonight's been fun."


"Would you... Would you want to do it again sometime?"

"Of course. You're my boyfriend and all, how could I not?"

"Right, sometimes I forget," he chuckled. "I mean, it just seems so surreal that I'm dating an angel."

"Stooooop..." you slurred jokingly, making you both laugh happily. He leaned down, and planted a quick kiss on your lips before pulling back and looking to the sky.

"Well, if we do do this again, I was thinking that we could go see a movie, maybe I could take you on a tour of Sweetheart's abandoned castle like we were joking about earlier, does that sound too scary for you?" You didn't respond. Hero could just hear your quiet breaths, for you had dozed off on his shoulder. "I'm that boring, huh? Well... I don't have a key to your home... Kel and Aubrey won't mind if I brought you to Neighbour's Room for tonight, right? You can sleep next to me."

He carefully picked you up and began to make his way back home. He smiled at how peaceful you looked as you rolled over. He kissed you on the forehead gently as to avoid waking you up.

"...I love you, you know."

So... thank you for 7k reads!! I am honestly mindblown haha, love y'all <3 <3 <3
I hope you enjoyed this one! It's a lot longer than the others, weirdly... must just be because Hero is my second favourite. And his name is canonically Henry, it can be found when data mining the files! Just a little fun fact for you.
Alright, that's it! Catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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