first dates

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He took you on a tour of the Dream World. He also paid for Sno-Cones for both of you. At the day's end, you went to the junkyard and watched the sunset.

You guys went out to see a movie! After the movie finished, you went back to your house for dinner and pillow forts.

You both went to Pinwheel Forest to have a picnic dinner that you cooked specially. After that, you both stargazed, and you painted another picture of her as a gift.

He took you to Club Sandwich. He insisted on paying for drinks, no matter how much you protested. You drank some age-appropriate beverages, danced to the music on the jukebox, then you walked around the forest until late.

He invited you to his house, where he made you lunch. In the time after, you cuddled and read books/Basil's old photo albums on the couch until dinner, which you made together.

You had a nighttime picnic in the Cattail Field together, but you decided to host it instead of her! She was delighted by your cooking. At the end of the night, she wandered off into the Cattails, resulting in a very long, very fun game of hide and seek.

He took you out to dinner at a nice restaurant, then to a classical concert after. Mari helped him out with the idea and cost-wise, cos it was a fairly expensive night that he couldn't pay for on his own.

He took you to an arcade (completely unaware of the fact that you'd whoop him at almost every game), then out for ice cream once you were done. You ended up pooling all of your tickets to buy multiple different, mostly novelty, items. He also insisted on getting two plastic bracelets, one for each of you.

You took her around the neighbourhood late at night. Basically everything was closed, but that didn't stop you from having fun! You wandered around, going to the park, vandalising street lamps, staring into the windows of closed shops, and you bought slushies at the 24 hour gas station. Not all that romantic, but you had fun.

He took you to a restaurant! You had dinner, and after a lot of negotiation, you split the bill. After that, you headed back to his dormitory to watch a movie or two.

You took him to the botanic gardens. He took lots of photos of all the plants, not to mention you. You went to a cafe to grab a drink and some afternoon tea afterwards. When you walked him home, Polly invited you in for dinner. And, how could you refuse? (Don't worry, she quite likes you.)

Cute dates for cute couples 💕
Honestly the sheer serotonin I got while writing these was almost able to heal the pain of seeing the end of OMORI again 😘😘😘 (yes i cried again, what's your point?)
And whoop whoop, double upload!!
Alright, I think that should be it for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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