if yn sleep talks

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He'd ask if you're awake, and if you're not, he just pulls a blanket over you and cuddles you tighter out of fear that you're having a nightmare.

He'd film it and show you the video in the morning. If you say something embarrassing, he'll definitely joke about it for the rest of your lives.

She'd just sit and listen and tell you everything you said. Sometimes, if it's funny, she laughs so hard it wakes you from whatever dream you're having.

If it's a nightmare of some kind, he either holds you tightly or leaves to get you a drink for when you inevitably wake up/he wakes you.

From the get go, it's immediate concern. He always assumes the worst when there's sleep talking, but if he calms down if he listens and you don't seem distressed.

She just lets it run it's course the majority of the time. She doesn't pay much attention, unless you seem upset for whatever reason, meaning she talks to you so you'll relax.

If he's concerned (which, let's be real, is often), he wakes you up and gets you to talk about whatever nightmare you were having. If not, he probably just watches and smiles.

He'd start up a conversation with your sleeping self. He thinks it's funny as heck to talk to you and that your sleepy/sleeping voice is cute.

As our resident insomniac, Aubrey just watches. She's mostly unfazed, but she likes to watch you sleep... in a way she hopes isn't creepy. Well, isn't too creepy.

If you're saying something negative in your sleep, Hero (while trying his best not to disturb you too much) wraps you in the cosiest blanket burrito he can and gives you affection.

He gets sort of nervous, but as someone who has dealt with his own sleep talking, he gives you some pointers to help stop it when you wake up

He's started to note them down. He has this tiny notebook in the drawer of his bedside table that he writes them in so you can reflect on them later for laughs.

She wouldn't really care, she just thinks you're cute no matter what you do. If it's something about her, she brags about it and/or gets super excited.

ahaha hi *pretending like i've been posting more than i actually am*
thank you for 170k!! i really appreciate those of you who've stuck around this long ahaha
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag

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