if yn's close to death (dialogue)

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H-huh? You are... No, that can't be right. T-that can't be, really, it can't! Oh, no, no, no, don't close your eyes! Alright, just stay awake with me, stay w-with me, alright? Alright, t-there you go, nice and steady breathing. Alright. Okay, I need someone to h-help me. Maybe we can find Hero, or Mari! Yeah, hold on, I'm taking you to M-Mari. S-she'll have some life jam, she'll know what to do... God, why the hell do I always mess everything up! It's probably me. Yeah, yeah, it's m-me! I loved Mari, she died! I love you, and now you're gonna leave me too?! P-please, hold on for me, YN. YN, YN, my a-angel, hold on. We're almost t-there, ok?

YN!! Y-YN, are you alri- YN!! Doll, you're hurt! A-alright, I'm coming!! I've got you, it's all going to be okay, where are you hurt?? Oh... That looks bad, that looks really, really bad!! I-I don't know how all of this medical stuff works... HERO!! HERO, YOU IDIOT!! YN'S HURT!! Oh, no, stay awake! It's hurting now, b-but I've got you! You'll be... You'll be alright... Who am I kidding?! I don't know if you're gonna be alright or not, I never do! If I could do s-something, anything to make it me instead of you, I would d-do it!! If you die, what'll be left for me?! J-just breathe, nice and slowly... There we go, Hero's c-coming, ok? I s-should stop blubber- Blubbering like a dumb baby, huh? J-just hold my hand, I can't let you die! Not today, not ever!!

Oh my god, are you ok? YN? YN, please answer me!! Oh... oh no, love, I'm here, it'll all be okay. C-can you say anything, or does it hurt? Alright, I'll find some life jam, I'm sure I have some on me!! I've got it, I've got you! If you die, I'll... I'll kill you, alright?? I WILL KILL YOU!! H-huh? Your heart's slowing down... Oh my god, stay with me, okay?? I can't just live my life knowing that I killed the person I love the m-most!! Stay calm?? Whaddaya mean, 'stay calm', I AM CALM, ALRIGHT?? I... I just w-want you to be okay. Please, if not for you then j-just for me... be okay.

YN! That thing hit you pretty hard. Do you need some help to get up? What... What's this on my- Oh my god, YN, you're bleeding like crazy!! Y-you're dizzy? Alright, here, I'll heal you up really fast, alright? H-huh?? I'm out of juice?? D-don't worry, my darling, this is fine. Just h-hold my hand, there we go. How can I keep you conscious until I have enough juice? D-do you remember that song we danced to on o-our first date? How did it go again? Let me r-remember... Each time we have a q-quarrel, it almost breaks my heart. Cause I'm so afraid t-that we will have to part. Each night I ask the stars up above... Why must I be a teenager in l-love? That's it, just listen to my voice now, okay? We're almost there, just s-stay with me.

YN? Are you ok? W-why aren't you moving? YN, rosebud, are you alright?? Hold on, I'm getting the first aid kit now! A-alright, I've got you. Just... breathe, nice and steady for me. Can I-I feel your pulse? Mhm... It's slow. W-why is it slow? You're saying... Your vision's going kinda b-blurry? Oh, no... I-I can't handle this. I need to call s-someone, I need to get an ambulance!! B-but, I can't just leave you!! I... I can't just lose y-you. Alright? Ok, I'm going to c-call M-Mari, and I'll be back a-as soon as I can. I... I love you, more than all the stars in the sky.

YN? YN, what's wrong, you look ill! You're... Oh my gosh, I need to call a doctor... or something!! I-I've... Alright, deep breaths. Okay, I need to make sure you'll stay alive on me. Do you need help eating? That should heal you up just nicely. Alright, open... and chew. There we go, it's all gonna be fine. I promise you, it'll all be fine. Ok? It'll... It'll all be fine.

O-oh my god!! YN, YN!! Okay, hold on, hold on a bit. D-does it hurt, where does it hurt? Alright, okay, okay. (Calm down, Sunny, you've got this... you can help them...) Can you walk, can you move? Where's a phone? I need to call an ambulance... Or maybe I-I could drive you if I have to! Y-yeah, that should work, I can get you off of the ground. I should call Mari... I-I just... I can't leave you and let you di- die, YN. I love you, I love you more than life itself, and if I-I lose you, that's when I'll lose myself. S-so, I've gotta act fast! Stay with me, please!!

Aah! YN, YN, wake up already!! CAN ONE OF YOU IDIOTS CALL AN AMBULANCE OR SOMETHING RATHER THAN JUST STANDING AROUND WATCHING AS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE DIES?! Okay, okay, I've gotta keep calm, I-I've gotta... Geez, YN, stay w-with me!! Wake up, wake up! Help is on the way, I-I promise! Just... You've just gotta hold on, okay? If you see... I dunno, if you see that white light or something those people in movies mention, d-don't follow it! I-I can't... Wha- GET OFF OF ME, I CAN'T LEAVE THEM! NO- HEY! YN! I-I JUST... YN...

Hey, YN, get up. YN? YN, babe, I'm talking to you! YNNNNN... Y-YN, you're starting to scare me. YN! Oh my god, you're hurt! A-alright, gang, I don't normally say this, but you need to go get help. NOW!! A-alright, help's on the way, ok? Just... Just keep breathing and look into my eyes, ok? Ok, good, good. Why didn't you say anything earlier, y-you... you idiot! I love you so, so much, you dumbass!! Oh god, YN, if you die, I swear, I'll kill you! I'll kill y-you, I'll... YN... Hold on, ok? Breathe in, and breathe out. In, and out.

YN!! YN, YN, my love, what happened? Are you hurt? Oh my gosh, you're bleeding out, okay. I've got my phone here, I'll call an ambulance in a sec. For now, I'll take of my jumper and use it to apply pressure, ok? Alright, this is probably g-gonna sting a little more, ok? Just- Deep breaths, deep breaths, alright? I've got you, Hero's got you. H-how the hell did this happen to you, YN? Did someone hurt you?? D-do I need to call the police or something too?? I-I'm sorry, love, I'm panicking. I just really, really don't wanna lose you. I can't lose you!! I... I'm calling now, okay? Just stay strong for now, help is on the way.

Aah! YN!! Are you alright? Ohhhh my gosh, o-oh my gosh, okay, calm down, Basil, calm down... Okay, deep breaths, stay with me h-here! POLLY! P-POLLY, IT'S YN!! THEY'RE HURT!! Okay, just... d-do you feel like you're slipping away here? Okay, that's n-not good at all!! Y-YN, I can't lose you! I've lost Mari, I've lost Sunny, I've lost Hero, I've lost Kel, I've lost Aubrey, I've lost my real parents... WHY D-DO I LOSE EVERYBODY?? DOES NOBODY J-JUST WANT TO STAY OR SOMETHING?? AM I JUST THAT R-REPULSIVE THAT I JUST... PUSH PEOPLE AWAY?? I... I'm gonna go get Polly, o-ok? I promise, I promise, I won't lose you.

YN! My galactic monarch! Are... are you okay? YN, talk to me!! I'm gonna take your pulse, alright? Okay, it's all gonna... Your heart's slowing. Why's your heart slowing? Are you..? YN? YN!! CREW, WE NEED TO PULL OVER, YN'S INJURED!! Alright, is it painful, where is it painful? Okay, my dear, hold on. If you see a light, don't go into it. I repeat, do not go into the light! We have medics here, they should be able to take good care of you a-and patch you up. I'll protect you from anything. Together, we've conquered planets! I swear, this won't take you down!

YN! Dearest, w-what happened to you? Aah, I've gotta call for help! SPROUT MOLES?! SPROUT MOLES, YOU USELESS HUNKS OF PLANT MATTER, YN'S DYING!! Alright, I've just gotta breathe through this, just like you taught m-me! I never thought the love of my life would be dying in my arms, rather cliche of you, YN... Right, sorry, you're l-literally dying in my arms right now! Those stupid moles are t-taking their SWEETHEARTDAMNED TIME!! I'm going to keep you alive, even if I have to sacrifice my kingdom f-for it!!

Woo 79k les gooooooo
I don't have all that much to say for tonight, except for something I never thought I'd say...

...I'm gonna do a half-face reveal at 100k reads. Game on, you guys have earned it.
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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