what their family/caretakers think of you

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(the characters don't really have parents/caretakers in dream world so i'm just gonna give them a random boss i think'd fit if they're siblingless so uhhhh prepare)

Mari's his only family in the dream world, and let me just say... she absolutely adores you. She often jokes about how it's nice to have another younger sibling, and she's glad Omori finally met somebody like you.

Hero likes you! He enjoys your company, and he's said before that it's kind of nice to have some time alone with Mari (wink wonk), and he's just happy that Kel's happy too. He also bakes snacks when you come over, so that's a big plus!

It's a yes from Sweetheart. She's like a doting and extremely rich aunt who spoils you rotten. She embarrasses Aubrey by being... eccentric sometimes, but she knows Sweetheart means well. But, because she's loaded, she helps pay for dates.

Kel likes you a lot. He's hyped to have another older sibling figure, and he's happy that your sass makes for some fun interactions between you two, often teasing or insulting one another jokingly or gently brawling. Hero always steps in to break up 'fights', though.

Boss thinks you're pretty cool. At first, he was on the fence, and he'd threaten you to make sure you won't hurt him, but after reassurance from both of you, he got used to you, and he softened up a little. It's sweet how much he cares about Basil.

Omori seems indifferent, but he thinks you're cool. At first, he was kinda jealous because he didn't have as much of Mari's attention, but he grew to like you, because she did. I mean, if Mari likes you, how bad could you be?

Mari enjoys your company, and she's happy that you two are dating; she couldn't think of a better person to be his partner! Sunny's mum really, really likes you as well! She's very kind and friendly, and she often makes you stay for dinner. You haven't met his dad, though.

Hero's happy that Kel's found somebody nice, and he appreciates your company! And, his parents adore you. They act like you're married already, and they're always happy to have you over. Sally seems to like you too; she's always happy when you're in the room!

You haven't spent a lot of time with Aubrey's mum, but she's indifferent about you. She doesn't care what time you come over, she doesn't care what time you leave, and a lot of the time she's either in bed or not home.

Kel really, really likes you. It's like he's your biological brother, and he just messages you randomly sometimes. Hero's parents are so, so happy that Hero's dating you! They love you so much, they cried when you first met them because they were so happy.

Polly loves you. She really loves you. She acts like you're part of the family, and she often invites you over for brunch or dinner. His grandma was lovely too, and she stated multiple times how happy she was that Basil met you. You haven't met his parents yet, because they've been away.

The space pirates think you're cool. Sometimes, they get kinda sick of him aggressively hyping up your every move, but they still like spending time with you. You're fun to have a drink of age-appropriate beverage and a game of cards with, and they appreciate that.

The sprout moles have mixed feelings. The majority of them genuinely love you, but some she's made love you, and some are just jealous of how close you are to Sweetheart. But, they all know who you are, and say hello when you pass one another in the halls, etc.

Just a short chapter for today, but I'm going to hopefully have a couple weeks of time to write soon!
Thank you for 139k reads, why are you all still here (i'm not complaining though ahaha, you guys' comments make me so happy cos they're often hella funny)
That's all for now! Catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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