if yn wakes up from a nightmare

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He's pretty experienced with nightmares, so he'd encourage you to talk about it. Afterwards, he'd either hum or sing to you (depending on his confidence level), then he'd play with your hair or rub your back until you go back to sleep.

He'd make sure you're as happy as you can be before you go back to sleep. He'd tell you jokes or stories, listen to you talk, give you a massage (a skill Hero taught him), and he'd get you a drink of water asap. Not to mention constant cuddles.

She'd immediately give you a tight squeeze, ask about your nightmare, and she'd make sure you'll stay together until you're feeling better. She'd also promise to help you fight whatever you were having a nightmare about.

He'd be at your service. He'd be giving you back rubs, making midnight snacks, singing you a song, getting you a drink, running you a bath, or just listening as you tell him what happened.

He'd immediately panic. Then, he'd help you take your mind off of things. He'd make you get up and out of bed, and he'd take you to the living room to have some tea, cuddles and books/photo album-reading time until you're both asleep.

She has a book about different dreams and what they mean (because her picnic basket's like Mary Poppins' bag), so she'll sit with you and attempt to figure out what your subconscious is telling you, and help you work through it.

He'd spend time with you, listen to you talk, and sometimes will take you outside to have a breath of fresh air and hold you close to him so you won't get cold and so you'll be near someone you trust.

He'd try and make you calm and happy. He'd ask you what happened, he'd make you a warm drink, grab a packet of food, then he'd sit in bed with you, cuddling and watching whatever content on the internet you enjoy on his laptop.

She'd probably instinctively tell you to stop crying, then she'd bring you close, give you cuddles and kisses, then she'd talk to you about random things (often your interests) to cheer you up.

He'd hold you in his arms, take you to the closest kitchen, dump you onto a chair, and immediately make you a snack. Then, he'd feed it to you as you tell him what happened in the nightmare.

He'd get worried, but he'd still talk you through breathing exercises calmly. He'd get you water, warmer blankets, food, and cuddles. And, he'd also attempt to be brave and make the first move for kisses, often on the forehead and nose.

He'd immediately get mad. Not at you, but he'd be upset that you'd need to endure something that upset you so much. He would wrap you in blankets and take you out to where he'd be working so he won't let you out of his sight.

She'd not know what to do. I mean, she always has rather sweet dreams (haha comedy), but she'll try her best to understand. She'll stay by your side, get the sprout moles to make you something warm, etc.

Woo I'm updating things!
This was a cute chapter haha :)
Thank you for 109k, you guys never cease to amaze me <3
Also thank you for all the lovely comments on my half face reveal! It means the world to me, and I go back and reread them sometimes when I'm feeling down and it boosts my mood!
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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