when yn wears their jumper/jacket/sweater

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(Y'all get one of my favourite songs with this chapter just because I'm hyper asf at the moment lol, take it or leave it)

He gets really excited, but he doesn't show it. He just blushes madly, showers you in compliments about how lovely you look, and gives you insane amounts of hugs and kisses.

It always makes him hyped up to see you wearing literally anything that belongs to him. He'll get extremely loud with excitement, and (if it isn't one of his favourites) he'll insist on letting you keep it.

She smiles at you widely, and she'll be happy to let you borrow it for as long as you need. She thinks it's really cute when you do, and most of the time, it fits you perfectly.

He'll gush over you like that one aunt at a family gathering when you grow literally an inch taller. He insists on taking a bunch of photos of you, and he gives you the tightest hugs.

He'll get flustered, but he'll also take a bunch of photos for the albums. He mostly wears hand-knitted sweaters that he made himself, so he has made ones for you that are similar, and sometimes matching with his.

She'll laugh (lovingly, I swear) at you, because it's a teensy bit big because she loves to wear oversized jumpers, and she's taller than you already, making them absolutely huge on you.

He doesn't say much because he's lost for words most of the time. He thinks it's so adorable, his heart flutters and he goes red in the face. But, he always tells you how adorable it looks on you.

He's the definition of 💳💥💥💥💳💥💥💥. He freaking adores it when you borrow his clothes. And, in return, he steals and wears one of yours, and you both laugh at how it barely fits him.

She gets immediately embarrassed. She begins to stutter because every single time, she doesn't expect you to steal her clothes. But, after a while she begrudgingly admits it suits you better.

He insists on you keeping it if it suits you. He is a lot bigger than you so every item of his clothing is a little large on you, but he thinks it amplifies your adorableness by at least 20% (but you were adorable before that).

He always takes multiple pictures of you because he thinks you're cute, and then he takes something of yours to wear too. If he's in the mood to joke, you'll pretend to be each other and laugh.

He'll adore you, shower you with compliments and affection and show you off to all the other pirates. He'll then make you keep it, even if you don't want it, because it 'looks better on you'.

At first she'd panic because she's worried that you'll break whatever you're wearing, but she'll eventually relax and get excited. If she thinks it suits you, she'll get an identical one tailor-made for you.

10k until half face reveal... I'm scared but in a good way lol
I love y'all sm, don't forget it! <3
That's all for now! Catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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