when someone flirts with yn (example sentences)

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"I'm sorry to intrude on such an... intimate moment, but you're flirting with my partner."
"Hello. Who am I? Well, I'm the boyfriend of YN here, so would you mind?"
"*no words, just intense glaring*"

"Hey!! Watch who you're seducing there, pal, that's mine."
"YN, doll, this person troubling you? They are? Alright, you'd better get outta here if you don't want a broken rib, m'kay?"
"Oh! Hello there, what's going on over here now? Just making sure my dear, sweet, beautiful partner over here is well. Yeah. I overheard you. How about you leave and let the superior-ly seductive one here have a minute alone with the love of his life?"

"Hello! I'm so sorry to bother you, but you're flirting with my partner. Alright! Thanks for understanding!"
"YN, hey! W-what's up, who's this? Oh... (Were you flirting back, or... Phew!) Yeah, hey, I'm their girlfriend. Sorry!"
"Hey, this one's mine, sorry to burst your bubble. But hey, there's lots of eligible bachelors, bachelorettes, and everyone in between for you to go after instead!"

"Ah, hey, sorry, but you seem to be flirting with my partner over here. Yes, my name is Hero, and I'm their boyfriend. Kindly leave now, bye bye."
"While I agree that they are very attractive, there are single attractive people here too."
"Hey, YN? Come with me for a minute, ok? I need your help with something. (You looked uncomfortable. Your Hero will always be there to save you, your majesty.)

"U-um... Hi! I see you've met YN... my YN... my partner. If we could have a moment, please?"
"Hey, can YN and I have a minute? I-I promise it's nothing personal, I just w-wanted to spend time with them today. It's what a good b-boyfriend does."
"D-don't worry! There are plenty of other cute people a-around here! That's... That's not what you were t-talking about? Well... I'm so sorry, I had no idea. Well, it's a l-lovely day today, isn't it, my flower?"

"Pardon my interruption, but you seem to be making YN slightly uncomfortable here. I'm Mari, their girlfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you, but you should really attempt to seduce other people."
"Hey there, sweetie! Who's this? Well, it's nice to meet you, but you're hitting on my partner."
"YN, my sunset! Come over here and help me with these sandwiches!"

"Please, get yourself away from my partner. You've upset us both, and I wouldn't want to cause a scene."
"YN, who's this? They're hitting on you? Well, that's not very nice, especially considering you have a boyfriend."
"*once more no words, just intense glaring*"

"Hey, HEY!! What do you think you're doing, messing with my partner? I'd recommend you scram before things get messier than you'd want."
"YN! Who's this, Honeybee? Oh, I see. Hey, did you know they have a boyfriend? Yeah, that boyfriend's me, so piss off."
"YNNNNN... I want to kiss your adorable face, YN. C'mere already and stop paying attention to... that one."

"HEY! What the hell's going on here?? Are they giving you a hard time, or d'you want me to give them one? Yeah, you'd better run."
"That one's mine, get lost."
"I swear, I will hit that shit-eating grin off of your face, making sure every nail coats itself in your bodily fluids at least once... But I may have mercy if you get outta here in the next five seconds. YN's my partner. Suck. It. Up."

"YN? Who's this? Well, I'm YN's boyfriend, Hero, it's... nice to meet you."
"Are they giving you any trouble, my angel? Would you like me to kindly ask them to leave you be? Well, I'm sorry, but my partner wants you to leave them alone. If you'd respect their wishes?"
"Hello there, it's a pleasure. YN, I had a plan for today, so we should get a move on. M'kay? Buh-bye now."

"*holds your hand very tightly*"
"YN, can we... Can we go please?"

"Are you really flirting with the monarch of this galaxy? Do you really think that you would be worthy of breathing in their direction? You're pathetic. Scram."
"My bright nebula! Is this person troubling you? I'd recommend you leave, then."
"You're hitting on YN there? Well, is a fling with my partner worth slowly freezing to death while floating away through the endless abyss we call space? I didn't think so."

"Oh? Well, what a surprising turn of events! If you love the dungeons so much, why don't you marry them rather than hitting on my partner here??"
"Shoo! Is this little brat upsetting you too, YN? Guards, throw them in the dungeon. We'll figure it out from there."

This one was so cute aaa 💕 Also I'm back! Neat!
Also thanks for 59k reads!! What the hell?! You guys mean so much to me, it gives me something to work towards and your comments always make my day. Never change, guys.
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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