first dates: (dream) kel

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You looked at the sky quietly. It was golden hour, so the sun was slowly beginning to disappear behind clouds. It was beautiful, undeniably so. But, the calm quiet was broken by an excited yell.

"YN!" Kel dashed towards you, a happy smile on his face. He admittedly looked a lot cleaner than normal, his hair being brushed, and his hands and face not covered in dirt.

"You're finally here! Are you ready to watch Hamsters: Galactic War?"

"Am I ever!" he yelled excitedly, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the buzzing cinema.

The movie was pretty simple: the hamsters had banded together to escape the boundaries of Earth, and were looking to colonise a planet that had been already claimed by their mortal enemies: mice. It was very cute, but still very bittersweet.

At the end of the film, you were wandering out of the dark theatre, but you could hear a little sniffle. It was Kel, who was trying his hardest to stop crying in front of you. He was a little embarrassed to cry, honestly.

"Kel, are you ok?"

He wiped his eyes on his sleeve carefully before answering you with red eyes. "Cham-P didn't deserve to die..."

You cooed at him and pulled him in for a hug. He relaxed a little, smiling widely and announcing that if he got to hug you every time he cried, he should cry a little more often.

It was nighttime on the walk home. The stars were shining brightly, and you were both calm and content. The windows of shops were illuminated, lighting the walk for you both. The road was empty. You were alone together. Kel glanced over to you, holding your hand tighter. Then, he just stopped moving, yanking you back.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" you asked as he pulled you closer, running a hand over your cheek and bottom lip.

"...I was just admiring the way you looked in the moonlight like this. You're really... gorgeous."

You blushed in embarrassment. "K-Kel, we're in public here."

"Ah, stop worrying! Nobody's around anyway. May I?" After you gave him a nod of affirmation, he gave you a quick kiss before pulling you back down the road by your arm.

When you got back to your house, you both flopped down onto the couch in exhaustion.

"Geez..." you mumbled a little. "I can't be bothered to cook."

"'M hungry though..." Kel followed up.

"You're always hungry. I'm gonna order pizza, I'll be right back."

You ducked out of the room for a bit to order, but when you came back, there were two key differences: the first being that there was a half-built pillow fort on your floor in front of the television, and the second being that you couldn't see Kel. Then, when you least expected it...

"Gotcha!" Kel yelled as he tackled you with a blanket and a hug, and you landed on the soft cushioned floor. He still clung onto you happily. "Haha, did I scare ya?"

"...Y-yes..." you chuckled, running your hand through his hair.

"Well, I set up a movie for us to watch after we finish this fort! Whaddaya say, YN?"

"Sounds like a plan."

After a while, you had a fully constructed fort. You were both left laughing, watching a movie and eating pizza together. Kel looked at you in fascination.

"What is it?" you asked him with a giggle. "Is there pizza on my face or something?"

"No... I'm just staring at your eyes. They're really beautiful. I love that shade of EC. They're like... jewels. Precious stones that took forever for me to find, but when I did, they were worth more than any gold. That's pretty corny though, huh?"

"No, not at all. Anybody would like it."

After a few more seconds of staring, he leaned in and kissed you softly. After you parted, he chuckled softly. "Sorry, I didn't ask you if I could or anything... Hero and Mari told me that I should always ask, you can tell I'm new to this 'dating' thing-"

"Don't worry... I liked it."

His eyes widened as he gave you the biggest smile you had ever seen. "Really? I'm doing well at dating? Yes!! I love you, YN!"

"Yes. You're doing well at dating. And... I really love you too."

Sorry if this one seemed a little rushed, I was hurrying to finish this one haha. But, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot!
That's it for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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