first dates: sunny

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You fiddled with your clothing. When Sunny called you about his plan, he told you to wear something nice. He said nothing else after that. And, you were just waiting for him to arrive at the bottom of the stairs. The sun was peering through your window. It was golden hour. And, then, there was a knock on your door.

"Oh! Sunny!" you exclaimed with a smile. He was wearing a dress shirt and pants, with a black bow tie to match. His face was red as he passed you a rose that matched the colour. He then looked you up and down. Sunny wouldn't say anything, but he was absolutely bewildered by you. You looked... breathtaking. It was the first time he had seen you wearing something formal, and he was stunned.

"Wow..." he murmured before he could catch himself. "Uh... A-are you ready to go?"

You tucked the rose behind your ear with a nod.

When you were wandering down the road together, you barely said a word to each other. He just carefully brushed your hand with his and slowly but surely gripped it in his own. His was cold and soft, but his fingertips were courser, most likely from holding down the strings of his violin.

After a while, you both stopped in front of a restaurant. It looked fancy, and way out of his price range. But, he stared at you. "Is this alright?"

"Oh... Oh! Yes, it's perfect."

You both wandered into the restaurant, where he looked up to the person behind the counter, taking a deep breath before continuing. "R-reservation for Mari, please."

You smiled at him. Mari helped him out. Admittedly, you were a little surprised when he took you to such a nice restaurant. You'd never say anything, but you didn't expect him to have the money to pay for something so nice.

After that, you took your seats and ordered your meals. It took a while, but you managed to convince him to speak to you. Hell, you managed to hold a full conversation with him with a bit of effort.

After you were finished eating and Sunny had paid, he looked down at his watch and tensed up.

"Sunny? Are you alright?"

"We're going to be late."

"What do you mean? There's more than this?" No response. He just grabbed onto your hand tightly and ran. You stumbled a little, but you eventually regained your balance.

When you were almost there, you stopped, Sunny bashfully making his way behind you and gently placing his shaky hands over your eyes. "...Am I hurting you?"

"No, not at all - What's going on? Where are you taking me?"

"Just please be careful, I don't want you to fall. You could really hurt yourself, you know." He motioned for you to walk, so you carefully waddled forwards, him guiding you all the way "Alright."

He lifted his hands off of your face to reveal what appeared to be the entry to a concert hall. Your eyes darted around, trying to process where you were, and then you realised: he was taking you to a classical music concert. The same one that you were talking about a few weeks ago. You whipped around to see Sunny staring at you, a soft smile on his face. When you looked at him, though, he returned to his normal emotionless expression. When he got a closer look at your delight, his face turned red.

"...I hope you'll enjoy this."

"Enjoy it?!" you practically yelled, rushing over to squeeze the life out of the poor boy. He gasped in shock, then placed a hand upon his back, gently patting it. "Sunny, I love this! Oh, thank you, thank you!"

He let out... what sounded like a chuckle... as he reciprocated your bone-crushing hug, just gentler out of fear he'd hurt you. "You're welcome, YN."

You both found your seats, just in time for the show to begin. And, let me tell you, it was amazing. You watched every second with great intensity and fascination. And, every few minutes, Sunny would stare at you, a satisfied smile on his face. He was happy that he made you happy. And, when you looked back to him, he didn't hide it from you.

After the show was over, you both wandered down the street and back to your house. You were standing on your doorstep together, the porch light illuminating your faces. You both really didn't know what to say. It was 11:30 at night, and you were both exhausted. After every date, there's an uncomfortable silence. It's just the rules when it comes to dating.

"So," you piped up. "This was fun."

"Yeah, it was."

Then, you looked back at each other, and something that you'd never expect happened: he began to chuckle a little. He was smiling and laughing to fill the uncomfortable silence. Then, you joined in. After you both caught your breaths, you stared at each other in silence again.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for tonight."

"I guess so."

Sunny looked at the floor for a second, taking a deep breath. And, he kissed you. He planted his lips onto yours, and after a second of stiffness, you both relaxed, letting your eyes flutter closed. After you broke away, he looked at you for another second, red-faced...

And then, Sunny ran off into the darkness, presumably homeward.

You stood in surprise, listening as his footsteps slowed down, and you could hear his little hum of happiness as it got quieter and quieter. It made you smile.

AYO SUNNY SIMPS, COME GET Y'ALLS JUICE (it's me. i'm getting the juice.)
Alright, you're probably sick of me saying stuff like this every chapter... but I have no clue where you're all coming from!
W  H  A  T
Alright, that's it for tonight! Catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag <3

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