Chapter 32

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I stared at my mother dumb struck. "Bella sweetie, Charlie isn't your father, the devil himself is. That's why you are a very powerful witch, but also very dangerous. Charlie doesn't know this but the reason why he is acting like this is because he is being controlled by the devil himself. The deal was, I would become pregnant with you and have you but, I had to die when you were little so he can take over your father and raise him while Charlie has no idea he is being controlled by him. Things didn't go to plan and so he took over Charlie, making him have voices in his head to hurt and kill you. So that's what he is doing the man who is hunting you is not Charlie, it's the devil."

I stare at her like she was crazy. "So-so my father is controlling Charlie who I thought was my father my whole life! And you didn't think to tell me sooner!!!??" I scream in her face. "Bella calm down. I needed to tell you when you were ready." "I was finally happy. My life was good, my kids were happy, Charlie wasn't hunting me, I was planning my wedding, everything then you tell me this with mere weeks till my wedding day." I say, "Bella I am sorry you needed to know before your wedded." "Why?" I ask her, "Cause once you marry Edward your life will get a while lot harder and darker."

I look at her stunned. "What do you mean?" "The prophecy." She said. "Yes I know it says I have years till I actually am fighting the darkest force in history, the devil." I say. "Yes but darling, it's not years away, it's only a year to 2 years." I stare at her wide eyed. "Why isn't Izzy coming out?" "She needs to build her strength right now. But as we speak you are dieing, it's not your time to die, not in many, many, many years. So Izzy is trying to come out as we speak. Now that you need to know, tell your family, tell them everything enjoy the time before it happens. Now go my child go!" She says.

It starts fading then she says "Wait-" but it was already to late. I slowly came back and the spring pain came back. I wasn't screaming I wasn't moving nothing. I could feel Izzy with me now she was powerful, very very powerful. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my family all screaming my name. Then I was up, I had spun and pushed off hard on my legs. I landed in front of my family, I was hissing and growling loudly while crouched down. "Izzy my darling." Aro said. "I'm not Izzy." I say, I was surprised my voice almost sounded deep it was vibrating and down right terrifying.

"Iz is my name. The worst of the worst. Half Bella half Izzy." I chuckle darkly as his face gets paler and paler by the second. I glares at Jane and she flinched. "Now why list you disturb my peace?" I say menacing. He didn't say anything. "What cat got your tongue?" I ask him. I slowly stand up from my crouch. "Hmm?" I ask tilting my head sideways my eyes were wide and I was biting my lip. "Your a crazy lady." One of the guards say. I growl at him glaring. He falls to the ground holding his head and screaming. I giggle hysterically. "Thank youuu!!!" I say.

I snap my head towards Aro and he flinches. "Now can we leave Mr. Aro, sir?" I ask slowly and tilting my head with every word. He nods quickly. I walk up to him in my strut which was swaying my hips in every walk. When I get to him I put my hand on his shoulder and lean in to his ear as he shivers, he would be pissing his pants if he was human. "Now..." I say slowly "If you make me come out again, so help me God. I heard what you have done before. Hurting my kids..." My hands flies to his arm and twisting it behind his back it didn't hurt but was extremely uncomfortable. I was now twisted facing my family.

"I mean..." I giggle darkly again, "I never met them but from Izzy's and Bella's mind..." I whisper again slowly and darkly. "Their amazing." I say I snap off his arm and kick the back of his knees making him fall. "Oh lovely...." I say clapping and moving in front of my family again as his guards help him up. "You bowed down to me. Why thank you I know I'm amazing." Then I look at Jane I felt her trying to poke at my head and make me feel pain but it back fired.

"Oh goodie!" I say clapping, "It doesn't feel good now does it?" I crouch down and tilt my head again. I glare at her and she falls to her knees silently. Alec tries to use his powers on me but they just surround him. I clap giggling. "Bye, bye now." I wave then I scream and fall to my knees as we split, I go back in my cage and Izzy goes to hers while Bella takes control. Well it was fun while it lasted.

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