Chapter 2

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Bella's outfit on the top.

*the next day*

So I am off to school again. But the good thing is Rose fixed me a motorcycle and I am riding it to school. It's a Suzuki SV650. And its black with purple streaks on the side with a matching helmet. Jasper is riding with me cause he really likes riding them. He has a plain black helmet. "Are you ready Jasper?" I said. He smiled hugely and nodded his head. "See you guys at school." I said. I went over to my boys while they left. I gave them both a hug and a kiss on their cheek. I then gave Esme a hug. I put my helmet on and so did Jasper. He got on behind me. I started the engine. "You better hold on Jazz." I said smirking and looking back. He did the same and wrapped his arms around my waist. I am wearing all leather and black. And I am matching Jasper.

I started the engine and it came alive

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I started the engine and it came alive. "This is gonna be fun." I said I felt Jasper laugh. I then flew out of the garage. We made it to the highway I was smiling like am idiot. "Are you having fun Jasper!!??" I yell over the engine. He sent me his emotions: Happy, Excitement, and adrenaline. I laughed. I sped down the highway. There was a stop light ahead so I slowed down. I came to a complete stop. "When I lean you lean. And also DAMN I love this fucking bike!!!" I yelled.

People looked at me. Jasper was laughing his head off. The light turned green and I sped off. Our helmets make it impossible to see who we are. You cant see Jaspers long blond hair that goes to his chin because of the helmet. We had glass cover our eyes so we can ride better and it has built in sunglasses. My hair was stuffed in my helmet so you dont see my long brown hair.

My helmet is big so Jasper suggest I put my hair in it and it worked! It was really warm today but really cloudy, so it was safe for them to come out and go to school. I see the school up ahead. "Jasper do you think I should make this extra loud when we get in the parking lot!?" "Yes!" He yelled back. I smiled. I revved up the engine and everyone looked at us. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I cut off the engine.

We both got up and took our helmets off. I shook my hair out and so did Jasper. Everyone gasped while we smirked. I walked over to our family playing with my hair when somebody smaked my ass. I gasped and quickly turned around. "Nice ass." One jock said. "Nice tits too." Another one said. Jaspers eyes were black pitch black he wasn't Jasper he was Major. "Oh shit." I whisper. Major stalked up to them. I quickly turned to my family. "Major." I whisper so quickly only they can hear.

They all come running to us. Emmetts eyes were black to. I turned back around and ran to Major. I got in front of him he looked at me and his eyes softened but still pitch black. Someone touched my ass again. I turned around and saw the jock that siad I have a nice ass. I go over to him and punch his face. I then turn around and see Major still here and it's about to go down. Another jock came up and wrapped his arms around my waist while everyone watched. He pulled me away from Major. "Get your dirty ass hands the fuck off me!" I yelled.

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