Chapter 17

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Me and Carlisle soon arrive to the top of a mountain overlooking the view of nature. And behind us is a water fall and small river we can swim in. It was hot like Carlisle said. The sky was clear of any clouds.

He lays out a huge blanket. I smile and lay back. Carlisle gets out a mini speaker. I hook my phone up and I play music in the background. "It is nice to just get away." Carlisle nods. I lay my head on his shoulder and it cooled me down quickly. "We all heard the conversation with you and Vivienne earlier." "Of course you all did their is no privacy like you can hear us pee and it is so gross."

Carlisle laughs loudly. "You get used to it." I smile. "So when does Victoria's army come here?" "In 2 days. Everyone is training later tonight. And you are coming. You and Izzy are our best bet at fighting newborns." "Have you heard anything from her?" "No but I feel her in my mind." He nods. "Is strong enough to be at training and to fight?" Yea babes I am strong enough to be there. "She said she is strong enough."

"That's good." I nod and I get out some food. Once I am done eating we talk about everything and anything. "Wanna go swimming?" I ask. "Sure." He hands me by swim suits and turns around. I quickly put it on. "Ok your turn." I turn around. A second later I hear him. I turn around and grab his hand. We both speed to the top of the huge cliff. It was at least 35 feet down, then there water was twice as deep so it was 70 deep.

I take a deep breath then jump on his back. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly then my legs around his waist. I put my head in between his neck and shoulder. Then he ran and jump. I squealed. We hit the water and I felt my hair flying past my head. I open my eyes and saw Carlisle smiling. My feet hit the bottom of the floor and I pushed up as hard as I can. Carlisle took my hand and swam up. I took a deep breath and laughed.

I swam to a shallower part where I could touch. I did a hand stand. After a few seconds I come back breathing heavily. Carlisle smiles then splashes me in the face. I make a whole wave hit him.with my powers it takes him under water. I laugh. He doesn't come up for air. "Dad?" "Daddy?" I look around. "Carlisle?" I yell. Then something grabs my ankle.

I scream. Then Carlisle is laughing his ass off. I throw him up in the air, at least 30 feet and he screams then he starts falling. And falling fast. Then he hits the water and hits the water goes down deep. He comes up and I am laughing. He laughs to and we continue to play in the water. After a while I swim to Carlisle.

"I am getting cold." "OK." He grabs me and runs out of the water. In a second I am sat on the ground with a towel on. He sits next to me with one around his waist. He gets out some food and I start eating it. "What time is it?" He picks up my phone. "3" He sets id down. "Why you getting bored of me?" "No," I say offended.

I shove a piece of cake in his mouth. I cover his mouth. "Chew it like a big boy." He makes a weird face and I laugh. "Now swallow it." He does and almost pukes. I laugh. "Can I go throw it up now?" I shake my head. "Please." "Fine. You are so boring." He rolls his eyes and runs in front of me maybe 15 feet in front of me.

I then hear him starting to throw up. I Cringe and put the food away. I feel someone behind me. It is in human. Then I was up against a tree farther from Carlisle. I look at eyes and they are red. I freeze. "You are not human. But your not a vampire either. What are you because you smell delicious." It was a male and quite frankly he would be cute if he wasn't holding me against a tree with his hand tightly around my throat.

"No one important." "Really? Because I bet you are very special to the one you have been with all day." "You've been stalking me?" "Yes I have so I can have you to my self." He tightens his grip on my throat and I gasp. "Shh, shh, shh. You don't want, what did you call him earlier? Daddy? You don't want you poor daddy to die to because you are to loud."

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