Chapter 10

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I woke up in my bed. Alone. I got up and went to my closet and chose a comfy outfit. I went down stairs in the kitchen I looked on the counter and saw a note. It was from Carlisle.

Hi Babygirl, everyone went out hunting. Esme took the kids to the mall. Ronnie took Vivienne out somewhere. You have the house to yourself all day. We love you. -Carlisle

P.S. we all will be back around 4. I made some chicken pot pie. There is homemade ice cream in the freezer. Xoxo Esme.

I smile softly. I look at the time and see that it is 10 so I have 6 hours. I get the pot pie out and heat it up. While that's heats up in the microwave while is does I make some chocolate milk. When I get done making my chocolate milk I get my food out and I go to the theater room and watch The Hunger Games.

Half way through the second movie I had to pee and take care of my dishes. I went up stairs and did my business. When I was walking down the stairs I heard noises. I thought it was my family so I went to greet them with a smile on my face when I turned the corner there was my real father with a gun. I moved back and quietly ran to Carlisles office.

I saw the cameras that me and Emmett installed to do pranks. They were all around the house. I saw him go in the theater room and he saw the movie paused. He smirked. "Oh Bella where are you sweet cheeks?!" He yelled. I looked around for my phone but I realized I never took it from my bedside table where it's charging.

I took a deep breath calming myself down. I got a piece of paper and I wrote a note on it.

Charlie was here I couldn't get to a phone I wrote this note incase he gets me. Izzy isn't answering me so I am by myself. I hope you get this note daddy. I will try to contact you as soon as I can, but I need to get him out of the house. He has a gun, I love you. Tell everyone that I love them too. -Bella McCarthy

I sat the note on his desk where he will see it. I exit the room and go down stairs. I grab a vase and smash it on the floor. I hear running footsteps coming down the stairs. Charlie comes in and he looks at me. "Hiya Charlie. When did you escape prison? Again?" "You little bitch." "Oh thank you. Your an Asshat." I shrug. I smile. He points the gun at me.

"Ok calm down put the gun down." I raise my hands in surrender. He looks at me, for 5 minutes his eyes soften and he lowers the gun. "I'm sorry the voices in my head. They- I cant control them Bells. Please help me." I had tears in my eyes. "I-Is it really you Charlie?" "Yes please I'm not lying I don't want to hurt you but all the voices control me. I'm sorry please know I don't mean what I have been doing." "It's ok. Just throw the gun on the floor." His hand struggles.

"I can't I'm not in control." He then raises the gun. "D-Dad stay with ok, stay with me." He chuckles. "Your father is too weak, to pathetic." His voice was deeper and more husky, It was like Charlie was possessed by a demon. "Why are you torturing him!!?" I yell. "Oh it's because I hate humans and I wanted to ruin a humans life and I chose your family." "Please don't. Leave me and my family be!! Go away your not wanted here!!!!" I yell.

He struggles again. He then raises his hand with the gun and shoots me. I scream as I fall to my knees holding my stomach. "Sorry not sorry." The demon says. He comes to me and throws me in a wall. I fall on my side my left arm under my head and my right holding my stomach. My hair falls in my face. Then everything goes black.

Carlisle's P.O.V.

Me, Alice, Jasper, Edward, Rose, and Emmett went out hunting. Nearing the end of the hunt all of us hear Alice gasp. She runs over to us. "Charlie is back but it's not him he is being possessed by a demon who just shot Bella in the stomach we have to go or else she will bleed out and die." Alice said. We all took off running. I ran as fast as I could. I couldn't let my Babygirl die. I ran as fast as I have ever ran. I beat Edward. I ran through the door and I let my nose guide me.

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