Chapter 3

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I was being shook awake. I slowly opened my eyes and groaned. "What the hell do you want?" I said. "Carlisle said I have to wake you up every three hours so I am." Edward said. "Well I'm fine I heal quick now shut the hell up or I will rip out your vocal cords." I said I heard him gulp and I heard Emmett's booming laugh. I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep quickly.

I woke up to my alarm going off I groaned and shut it off. I got up and went to my closet. Today's outfit I wanted to feel badass so I chose a black crop top tank that zips in the front with a black lace skirt the front dropped mid thigh and the back went to my knees. I matched it with a black leather jacket I put on black heels. For makeup I put on a black Smokey eye shadow with blood red lip stick. I put on a bracelet and a necklace.

I grabbed my black back pack I opened my door and heard Edward say "Alice what are you keeping from us?" He said irritated

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I grabbed my black back pack I opened my door and heard Edward say "Alice what are you keeping from us?" He said irritated. "Nothing." I heard everyone groan. I walked down stairs slowly and everyone looked at me their mouths agape. Alice squealed and ran to me giving me a hug. "So you were keeping my outfit from them?" I said amused. "Yes because you look like a badass and it suits you." She said I laughed.

We went in the living room and everyone stared at me. Edward slowly walked up to me. "You look hot love." "Why thank you I actually tried today." I said. Everyone laughed I went to the kitchen and found Esme cooking. She looked at me. Her eyes bulged out of her head. "Why is everyone staring at me?" I said. "Because you look hot!" Esme said.

I laughed at her. She gave me some eggs and toast and u ate all of it I washed the dishes and went to the living room I found my babies on the floor playing. I walked up to them and picked them up. "Hi my sweeties. How are my favorite boys doing?" "HEY!!" I head Edward and Jasper yell even though we were in the same room.

I rolled my eyes and looked at them "fine my favorite baby boys?" They both smiled and I rolled my eyes again. You look scary but pretty mommy. Logan said "Thank you I think." I looked at Liam. "How are you Liam sweetie?" He smiled at me. I'm good mommy. He said I kissed his cheek and Logans cheek. "Mommy will see you both later I have to go to school."

I said they nodded and hugged me. I hugged back and sat them down. I grabbed Jaspers hand and kissed Edward before him and my siblings left. I went over to Carlisle before he left and kissed his cheek. "Love you daddy." "Love you too." I went to Esme and kissed her cheek. "Bye mommy." "Bye darling." Me and Jasper walked out and went to my bike I gave him his helmet and he put his on while I did the same. I got on and he did to he hung on my waist. "Hang on tight Jazz." I said smiling. "No problem Darlin."

I felt his grip tighten and we zoomed out of the garage. On the highway I started to think about what Jasper told me last night. I saw a red light and slowed down and finally stopped. "What are you thinking so hard about?" Jazz asked. "Izzy." Is all I said. "Do you think she was in control yesterday?" I said curious. "Yea probably." I nodded and started to go. "Jazz maybe you will drive home today, does that sound good!!!??" I yelled over the engine.

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